☆Chapter 7 - Amelia☆

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I shut the back door when I went back inside. I couldn't hear my dad leaving on Prancer.

Sniff I wiped my nose and then my eyes.

"Mmm... Y/N?" I heard Raine's raspy voice as I past her and Matt on the couch on the way to the bathroom upstairs. "Hey Raine... you uh" sniff "should probably go back to sleep, it's really early" I turned to her. She sat up and sounded extra tired. "That's a good idea..." she laid back down next to Matt. "I'll leave your jacket outside my door" I whispered. Raine nodded and then drifted off again.

I left to go to Charlie's room to drop off his snowglobe. I opened his door swiftly, that always seemed to reduce the creaking noise. I placed his snowglobe on his bed frame exactly where it was before and then went back to my room to leave Raine's jacket outside my door. Afterwards I tried to go to sleep.

☆ ☆ ☆

The next morning I woke up on my own. The cold rushed to replace the warmth from underneath my blanket with itself but I quickly wrapped it around myself again. The window's blinds were open letting cool gray light in. A soothing experience that the silence added in, and when I checked, there were lines on my arms.

Suddenly, a knock came on my door.
"Y/N?" I heard my dad's voice muffled.
"So he really didn't leave"
I fell back into all my blankets and pillows. Snuggling and wrapping myself in all the soft fabrics before answering with a "Mhm?" It took most of my energy.
"I've got some breakfast for you right here, I figured it could cheer you up a bit"
I smiled, it was a sweet gesture but I would have preferred to go down when I was fully awake.
"The door is open, so you can come in I guess"

I heard my door click open and next came the soft footsteps on my carpet. "Did you already fall back asleep kiddo?" He gently asked.
I pulled the covers over my head and groaned.
I heard him chuckle, "I've got some mozzarella sticks"
"For breakfast?"
"Imagine how I feel every morning"
That's right, since he basically worked with children he always had some type of sugar. Like how Bernard got confused when I told him not everything was supposed to be sweet.


Suddenly my room felt very empty and cold.
I sat up, trying to rid myself of those thoughts.

Dad was there holding a plate of 7 mozzarella sticks and a side of red sauce I assumed was marinara sauce. He sat next to me on the bed while I ate.
"Your friends left a little while ago"

We stayed silent.

"So... about that meeting with Bernard. I-... I'll think about it okay? But after that I expect the drama to be over with"



More silence

"Can you tell me about who he met there?" I asked nonchalantly. It was purely out of curiosity.

"Well.... Bernard doesn't like to mix his personal and private life together"
"Yeah right..."
"From I know he met this nice girl named Amelia, she looks about your age. She's got real long black wavy hair and she always wears an orange dress that I think she made herself. She's head of the painting department. Amelia's very sweet and she works after hours like Bernard most of the time."

"I can see why he lied to me then" I crunched on my mozzarella stick. Amelia did sound pretty great. She sounded ambitious and beautiful. She was everything Bernard needed. I was nothing like her.

I sighed, Dad looked to me. "Sorry... too descriptive?" He put his hand on my shoulder. I only nodded. "If it's not meant to be it's not"

"Harsh Dad..." I balled up again.

"It'll all be okay. Trust me." He sounded sure.

I didn't want to put my trust in him too much. Unfortunately, he did know more about this Amelia girl though.

Author's Note~

Very short chapter I know but I'm trying to figure how to progress. Anyways yeah, I hope I didmt make Amelia sound like a manic pixie dream girl 🥲🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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