☆Chapter 6 - Screaming and Crying ☆

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Walking back upstairs with my cup of water I glanced at the sleeping couple on my couch. I smiled, I hoped they were having a good dream and then I went off to my room.

Walking into my room I felt the sadness weighting itself on my shoulders as it always did. This time though I tried not to be sad. I tried to look forward for what was to come for me. Hopefully a life without misery.

Setting the half-full glass of water on my nightstand I climbed into bed again, setting Raine's jacket on the other side of my bed. I pulled the covers over my head and I looked into the darkness. The soft feeling everywhere felt safe. I felt sheltered away from all the bad under my blanket.

I listened to my own breathing for a while after that. I didn't know what I was trying to do exactly, fall asleep? Maybe. I wanted to yell at Bernard again, just because the first time I was overridden with sadness and confusion and other overwhelming feelings. I had a shot to pull myself out of my depression, starting with him.

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I shot up from under my covers and went downstairs again to my living room so I could get to the phone. I needed to be quiet though since Matt and Raine were sleeping behind me. Dialing my Dad's old phone number I figured it wouldn't work since he left his old life behind and he lived in the North Pole now.

I waited for something, maybe someone to pick up but alas there was nothing, only an automated voice:
"The number you have called has been disconnected or no longer in serv-"
I put the phone down and sighed.
Of course it wouldn't work what was I thinking. I stood there for a moment and just thought and thought. There had to be a way.


"Charlie's snowglobe!" I realized.

I sneaked up the stairs.
I exhaled and entered Charlie's room hoping he wasn't awake, he probably wasn't.


I winced, I hated his stupid creaky door.

I looked to my right and there was Charlie, asleep. I didn't know why I was so scared.

I looked up on his bed frame and there it was, the exact snowglobe I needed. I took the snowglobe right as he shifted in his sleep.


"Shit..." I cursed in my head.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" His tired voice startled me. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing with my snowglobe?" He reached out for me to give it back to him. "Can I please borrow it Charlie?" I whispered.
"For what?"
"I need to talk to Dad for a minute"
"Oh... um, okay" Charlie laid back down and snuggled into his blankets again. "Just bring it back okay?" He closed his eyes.
I smiled, "Of course little man" I gently ruffled his hair and I heard him groan, pulling the covers over his head. I turned to leave and while I closed the door I said, "Goodnight Charlie" I didn't know if he said it back.

Silently celebrating as I went down the stairs I put a jacket on and some snow shoes that I left by the door and went outside to the backyard.

I sat down on the concrete and just breathed for a second. I was really hoping that Bernard hadn't told my dad about our fight that we had but I wasn't so sure. Still though, the dark early morning sky kept me somewhat calm.

I shook up the snowglobe and waited. I knew it was going to work but I had to give the guy some time since he was probably asleep and I gotta say, the North Pole was fairly far away from Illinois. After maybe 10 minutes I heard familiar bells and I knew it worked.

"Hey kid, why'd you wake me up at uh" I saw my dad float down from the sky checking his watch. It was really weird to watch but he did it with charm. "4:15am?" He also looked tired just like Charlie. When he reached the ground I hugged him. "Hey Dad" I saw Prancer land right beside him, expecting his share of greetings. "Hey Prancer, how my favorite reindeer doing?" I pet his head and he gave me a groan, he was probably tired too.

"Well? What's this about?" Dad asked, "So Bernard didn't tell him about our fight". I sat back down at the concrete and Dad followed while Prancer laid down a couple feet away. "I-uh... It's about Bernard" I didn't look at him, in fear of what expression he had. "What about Bernard kiddo..." he sounded a bit worried. He knew about our breakup. "I need to talk to him so if you could maybe... I don't know... arrange something that would be great" I looked to him, not scared anymore. His furrowed white eyebrows right above his scanning eyes made me feel judged even though I knew he wasn't.
"Can I ask why?" He put a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't cry" I felt tired of doing it
"I just... want to"
"If this is about what happened, you need to move on Y/N. This isn't right." He sounded like he was breaking it down for me like I was a little kid. At least, that's what I thought.
"I'm tired of this okay? I am tired of him, I'm tired of all of this! I know we broke up years ago! I know! I'm not stupid, he came to me!" I snapped, Dad took his hand off of me, "He said 'Y/N!' 'Baby!' 'Sweetheart!'" I mocked his voice.
"He told me that he 'found another'!"
I felt my eyes burn again.
My vision got blurry.
"I saw the stupid promise ring on his stupid finger! He didn't have to tell me! He didn't have to fake it! But hey, he fucking did!" I closed up again. Dad let me curse.
"I don't want to feel like this! I don't even want to associate myself with him! But damnit! I feel like I can still smell the stupid peppermint smell of him in my bed! Don't you think I wanna leave it behind?! I just need to yell and scream at him! I want to know what was so good about 'the other one'! Let me do this! Let me be angry at him!" I cried.

"Y/N" Dad hugged me "You know I can't do that, he's suffering enough as it is because of this. He's a person too. No matter how much you want to lose it at him you have to remember that just because you're angry you can't take it out on other people"

"He-he started it though" I chocked on my words from the tears and my heart ached again.

"I know I know" he whispered, rocking me.

I succumb to my crying and let myself be sad again. I felt weak and cold on that early morning, but my dad hugged me through it all. Why did I have to rely on other people to comfort me all the time. I hated it. I 'hated' everything. Why couldn't I just get what I wanted? What I wanted was to scream and hit Bernard all day but my father was right.

Author's Note~

It's 9:53pm rn I know it's kinda late (for people in my time zone) but I spent a bunch of time on the drawing above I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT okay bye bye my lovelies :D

☆Thin Ice☆ - Bernard x Y/N (gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now