☆Chapter 5 - We've Got You☆

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"Y/N Y/N... Wake up dude" I heard Matthew's voice call out to me in my slumber. 

I looked around and I was in a car with him driving and me in the backseat. He looked back at me from the rearview mirror. "You've been so sleepy lately" He sighed. I sat up and looked to the right of him in the passenger seat was Raine. She especially stood out when she was with us. 

"Are you sick Y/N? I'm sorry for dragging you out here with us to go to this party. We can take you back if that's what'll make you more comfortable." Raine apologized.  A worried gleam sparkled in her eye. "No, no its okay. I'll be fine. I need to spend more time with you guys, I know I've been closed off since like two years ago..." My voice got quieter with each word that came out. 

"Hey don't stress about it Y/N" Matt gave me a warm smile. 

I enjoyed the rare moments I got with them. I didn't know them very well because I missed my chance to really hang out with them when I got all depressed and stuff. They were genuinely nice people and Matt got even sweeter as he and Raine got more time together. I loved when they matched outfits too. Initially I was the one who reached out to them to ask if we could all go out sometime. It was only luck that they said that Matt's cousin was having a birthday party for one of his friends and that I could come with. I couldn't see how that would even help with our friendship problem but nevertheless I agreed. It could be fun. 


Halfway into the birthday party I realized that I was totally alone and that Matt and Raine had left to go to maybe the other side of the house. This wasn't good for my social battery as I was closed off and I wasn't particularly comfortable in this stranger's house. I left to go sit outside on the porch in my glamourous outfit that Raine had convinced me to purchase at 10:00pm. I could hear the music from inside and I looked to my hand. It was bare and had no type of polish on it. I looked to my ring finger and Bernard's promise ring came back to mind. 

I felt my eyes begin to sting and I felt my lip quiver. 

"Damn..." I whispered. 

Why was I crying? I thought I came to have fun but now I'm crying away any fun I planned to have. Rushing memories of when we first met came back and I hated it. 'He made me feel safe, he made me feel heard' I once said. Now I felt abandoned and empty. It was so cold that day. There I was cold on a random person's porch. I wiped my eyes. 

I felt a hand on my back. I looked back and it was Matt. Matt and Raine both were behind me with worried looks. I wiped my eyes again. "Uh sorry guys. I just came to get some fresh air. Are we leaving now?" I hated lying about my feelings and I wanted to pour it all out for them to see. Matt and Raine both sat on either side of me. Raine took off her fluffy jacket and gave it to me, reassuring me. Matt rubbed my back. "What's wrong Y/N?" His voice was low and quiet. 

"Its just a guy"


"You guys don't know him" 

I sniffed.

"What'd he do? If you don't mind me asking?" 

I stayed silent and I tried to find a way to say it without breaking down again.

"He uh...." My voice got shaky "He didn't love me" I gave in to my sadness and held my face in my hands. "He said he did and we were always together up until maybe 2 years ago. He said he had something more important, his job. Then yesterday he came to my house and he said that his love for me was a lie" I faltered "He said he just felt bad for me and then..." The worst of my crying came, "He said that there was another one and then I saw the promise ring on his finger" I fully broke down and caved in. I hid my face completely. 

My heart physically ached. It had never done that before. I felt one of them embrace me and reassure me that it was okay. Over and over that's what they said but I felt like it wasn't 

"Do you want us to take you home, Y/N? You don't have to stay here" Raine whispered to me. Before I knew it I nodded and cried some more. I felt them get up and then help me up, they led me to their car and I laid in the back with Raine's jacket just wallowing in emotional pain. I felt Matt pick my head up and he let me lay my head on his lap while he pet my head. I cried myself to sleep on the car ride home.


When I woke up I felt like I had woken up from the longest sleep of my life. I rubbed my eyes and looked for any signs of where I was. I was in my bedroom so I looked to my clock on my nightstand '3:58am'. I groaned and sat up. I was still in my clothes and I saw Raine's jacket still covering me. I got up and turned on my lamp to change into more comfortable clothes. 

When I finished I went downstairs to get a glass of water since my throat was aching and my nose was backed up. I saw Matt and Raine on the couch asleep. This made my heart ache but in a good way. "They really stayed" I fixed the blanket they were sleeping with and then made my way to the kitchen. 

Author's Note~

Idk me personally I thought this was pretty cute

☆Thin Ice☆ - Bernard x Y/N (gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now