Chapter Three: Yami, you look like a panda.

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When Tsuki woke up, Albedo was no longer next to her.

'Did he leave already?' She thought, turning her back from the blinding sunlight. 'I hate mornings.'

She got out of bed. Why was she feeling so disappointed? She didn't even know herself. She made her way to the kitchen to whip up something quick for breakfast. If Yami, Kazumi, or the hotel cooks didn't exist, she'd starve to death.

Yeah, she can't cook.

Tsuki headed towards her kitchen counter and looked around for the bread. But to her surprise, there was already a meal waiting for her there, along with a small note stuck on it.

"Did.. he make this...?" Tsuki said out loud, gingerly taking the note stuck on it.

The meal looked newly made and it looked delicious. It made her mouth water.

The contents of the note were this; 'I have to go and prepare some things for your concert. I'm sorry I couldn't stay until you woke up. Yami told me you almost set her kitchen on fire when you tried to cook, so I prepared this for you before I left. Eat well. Have a nice morning.'

Reading the note made Tsuki feel weird inside, again. She supposed it was the annoying feeling of 'butterflies in her stomach'. Out of all the feelings, why that? She had no clue. And why did Yami have to tell him about that time when she almost burned the kitchen? That was embarrassing. She shook her head and forced herself to discard her thoughts and start eating the food. Guess what? Looks can fool. Turns out the 'delicious-looking meal' was just vegetables designed beautifully.

After eating the salad, she sat on her couch, switching the TV on. Not bothering to even look at what was happening on CNN, she opened Netflix and browsed through the movies. After watching a suspenseful yet emotional movie that made her cry her eyes out, she got ready for the day. The problem is, she didn't have any clue on what to do today. Planning was a big no when it came to her brain, no matter how hard she tried.

'Maybe I could go out with Yami today? Oh, but she might be busy..' She thought.

She texted her twin instead to see if she was available today. And she got the 'I am busy' reply as usual.

"Well, this could be easily arranged," Tsuki muttered, a mischievous grin creeping up on her face.

"Yami?! Hello?" Tsuki exclaimed as Yami picked up the phone.

"I have already told you five seconds ago, I am busy," Yami said, "Would you please stop bothering me?"

"Okay fine, hi busy!" Tsuki replied, "And no, I won't stop bothering you!"

"You do know I can just end this phone call, right?"

"Dazai's going to meet up with us!"

"Since when were you on speaking terms with him?"

"Since... Just stop asking questions and would you please tell me if you're coming or not?"

"Fine.." Yami muttered, tired of her twin's shenanigans, as per usual.

"Great, see ya!" Tsuki ended the phone call quickly before Yami could change her mind. Then Tsuki texted the place they were going to meet and the time.

Of course, Tsuki was lying about Dazai coming over.

"Hey, hey, hey, Dazai!!" Tsuki interrupted, as he picked up the phone and started saying his usual 'Hello, this is Dazai speaking' introduction.

"Why are you calling me? I don't want to hear another hour-long lecture about being too clingy to Yami," Dazai said.

"That's for next time. I'm calling you 'cause you really have to meet up with us in the park near my hotel. And I know you're busy, so you can just stay even for a short while! C'mon Dazai!"

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