Chapter Ten: A phone call from a certain someone.

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After about a week of constant avoidance, Dazai decided it was about time he'd do something. He has to do something about it. Because if he didn't, he'd lose the most important thing in his life.

Staring at the screen of his phone, as his eyes drift to the notification banner on the top; Yami has added to her story. He clicks on the notification banner and is brought to Instagram. When he saw the greenish-black haired guitarist, he couldn't help but feel a glint of jealousy linger in his heart. After about 10 minutes of staring at the post, a sudden phone call came, and his phone suddenly rang. His eyes grew big when the name of the caller popped up on his screen.

'Weird... He never calls me..?' he thought as he answered the phone. "Hello..?" he greeted, unsure of what to expect.

"Osamu, is that you? This is your phone number, right?" the person on the line asked.

This irked Dazai, 'What parent doesn't know their own child's number?' he thought but not daring utter a word about this. "Yes, did something happen?" Wanting to get straight to the point. He didn't want the conversation to prolong more than it needed to be.

"Ah, yes. Osamu, we've gotten news of your close friend, Sakunosuke-kun, he has passed away." his father replied, bluntly. Just as he wanted, 'straight to the point' but this wasn't what he was expecting.

"What? That can't be true." he scoffed in disbelief. 'Odasaku couldn't have died... right?' Without realizing it, tears started to fall from his wooden brown eyes. He was in denial but a part of him already understood what happened.

"It is. He had supposedly been murdered. They found his body on the floor of his apartment yesterday."

"No.. No, that can't be true.. Tell me that isn't true..!" Dazai practically begged. He sounded so desperate but he didn't even care if he did anymore. Odasaku was one of his only real friends, it can't be that he died. "You're lying! He's not dead.. H-he's alive.." Dazai was starting to slur on his words. He was overwhelmed, in pain, everything right now was just too much to handle.

"Osamu, Sakunosuke-kun is gone. Accept it and move on. Grow up." his father sneered. He didn't think his son was this pathetic, crying over some friend. "Stop being so pathetic and get a hold of yourself. He is gone."

And with that, the room fell silent. He thought his dad would have even the slightest bit of remorse for him especially after receiving such devastating news of a dear friend dying. His father really didn't care about him in the slightest. Maybe he just adopted him to have someone carry on his company. 'Maybe'? Who are we kidding, that really was his reason for adopting him. His father wasn't one who believed in love and always chose to stay single. And that, his father's influence on him over the years, is probably the reason why Dazai is such a playboy, just like his father. Toying with women as if they were objects. Dazai was aware of this and he's always wanted to change this about him but for some reason, he's never been able to. But he promised himself he would, he swore on his life to Oda that he'd never become like his father but that's not how it's turning out right now, is it?

After realizing there was no point in denying anything, he ended the dreading phone call. Dazai knew he couldn't visit Oda, he was all the way in Japan, so he decided to just drink all the pain away. I mean it's worked most of his life, so it would work today, right? Wrong. Even the simplest thing as drinking alcohol holds so many unforgettable memories of the two. Sometimes they'd just talk and talk, not even able to finish more than one cup. But that can't happen anymore and Dazai has to accept it.

He was already drunk out of his mind and suddenly, he pulled his phone out, texting someone he hasn't talked to in quite some time now. And that someone was Yami, she was still awake, of course, you'd never catch her sleeping at this so called 'early' hour that she says. After receiving the text from the drunken man, she got worried.

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