Chapter Five: She'll be filing in Asahi's place!

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"Albedo!! I'm here~" Tsuki called happily as she rushed over to him.

"Would you like to take a stroll out? Your rehearsal isn't until 131 minutes," Albedo said.

"Just say two hours, stop making everything so complicated!" Tsuki said, rolling her eyes. "And yes, I do want to take a stroll out."

"Fine by me," Albedo smiled.

They walked out of the hotel together. It was a good thing the park was deserted, only a few elderly were there. She wasn't in the mood to get swarmed by a bunch of fans. And she also wasn't in the mood to talk to the guy heading their way.

"Now, how's my best friend doing?" A brown-haired guy said, slinging an arm over her shoulder.

"Get your filthy hands off me!!" Tsuki screamed, slapping his arm away.

"That wasn't necessary," he muttered as Tsuki kept repeating "I let a germling touch me."

"What are you doing here, anyway? Why don't you just get lost, you loser," Tsuki said, spraying alcohol around her shoulders. "And I'm not your best friend. I'm your best friend's sister," She corrected.

"Is it illegal for me to be wandering around the park?" Dazai snapped.

"Yes, it is. Your very existence should be illegal," Tsuki shot back.

Albedo stared at the two. Were they fighting? Or were they playing around?

"Oh, this must be your new manager!" Dazai smiled, putting his hands in his pockets. "I am Dazai, Dazai Osamu."

"Pleased to meet you, my name is Albedo," he replied, offering to shake Dazai's hand politely.

Dazai was about to shake the blonde's hand before Tsuki quickly hit Albedo.

"That hurt," Albedo said, frowning at Tsuki.

"Well, why would you even shake that idiot's hand?!" Tsuki exclaimed, a look of disgust present on her face.

"May I ask what's so wrong about it?" Albedo asked.

"He's a dimwit!" She said rather loudly.

"Aww, is that any way to treat your best friend?" Dazai cooed.

"You. Are. Not. My. Best friend. End of story. Get that in your head, will you?" Tsuki stated sternly, getting weary of Dazai's irksome attitude.

"Yeah, Yeah. Anyways I have to go now," he replied. "Bye~" he added and patted Tsuki's head, much to her dislike. Then he left.

"Finally, some peace," Tsuki sighed.

"But he seemed fine..." Albedo remarked.

"Fine? Fine?! He's an annoying idiot! What do you mean fine?!" Tsuki shouted, getting unwanted attention from people in the park.

"Calm down. Opinions vary, my lady," Albedo said calmly.

"Hmph! Well, your opinion sucks!!" she snapped, "And I am not your lady!" flustered at Albedo's remark.

"In my books, you do count as my lady," Albedo said, with no intent of flustering her or whatsoever, but the statement made her turn even more red anyway.

"W-whatever, let's go back to the studio," Tsuki said, rushing out of the park. "Last one there is a rotten potato!!" she called in the distance.

'How cute.' Albedo thought as he started catching up with Tsuki.

Somehow, Albedo got to the studio first, so that would explain why Tsuki was pouting when she skidded to a halt.

"No fair!" Tsuki whined, "You didn't even break a sweat!"

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