Chapter Four: I'll always be here for you

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Tsuki awoke to her father, she finally saw him again. But he was faceless. How was she sure it was him? Why was he faceless? But alas, she ran towards him anyway.

'Why does he seem so far away? I can't get to him.'

When she finally got close to him, her mom stepped in front of her. "You're not going anywhere near him." She said sternly.

"But.. Mom.. Please..." she trailed off as her mother looked her dead in the eye.

Tsuki took a step back, terrified. She called for her dad to help her, but he was gone. Not a trace of him was left behind. Now she was all alone with her mother. Tsuki was struck with horror when her mom raised her hand. But before her mom got to lay a hand on her, Kazumi stepped in.

'Why did he even bother doing that?'

Tsuki's mom had never raised a hand against any of her children before, let alone threaten them. But when Tsuki said she wanted to be a musician... Her mom turned livid. She just changed, all of a sudden. Behind Kazumi, Tsuki fell onto the ground, trembling. Yami rushed to her side and tried to comfort her and calm her down.

Even after Tsuki had a panic attack her mom didn't care, she looked at the three children and uttered the word, "Pathetic."

Yami and Kazumi were too busy trying to calm their sister down to even care about what their mother had said. But Tsuki heard it loud and clear. Even in her miserable state, she heard it so clearly it was as if her mother was just beside her. And that word had always been with her. It never left her mind nor had it stopped coming from her mother's mouth.


Tsuki woke up, dangling dangerously off her bed, breathing heavily.

'It.. was a dream..? Or was it a memory? Or both..?'

She recollected her thoughts and tried to keep calm. 'What the hell was that about?' She got up from her bed to get a glass of water to steady her breathing.

'Why did this have to happen right before my concert..?' She thought frustratedly, suddenly banging the glass on the table. Was it a sign to not continue the concert? But she had been waiting for this all her life! She wasn't going to let a mere dream get in her way of making her fans happy.

Tsuki never had a dream about her father before. She doesn't even remember what he looks like, which probably explains why he was faceless in that dream. But she does remember his name. It was Haruto Nishimura. She saw it behind a photo with her father's face torn off. Her mother's name was also there, but only Kazumi was in the photo.

A tear fell from her eye.

However, before she could start throwing a pity party for herself and scream, Albedo walked into the room. She took a glance at him and quickly looked away.

"Don't you know how to knock?" She muttered.

"You told me last night that I could come in anytime I wanted to," Albedo stated.

"Well at least knock before you come in."

"Mhm.. Noted. Just a question, why are you hiding from me?"

"What do you mean? I'm here. You can see me in plain sight."

"I meant your face," Albedo said, sitting beside her. "Is your face not counted as you?"

"I suppose it is..." Tsuki replied, "You're always looking for loopholes."

"And you're always dodging my questions," Albedo said, "So, why are you hiding from me?"

She stayed still. He would leave her or laugh at her if she told him about her 'pathetic' life.

"I'm.. nervous..." She lied.

"I don't think you are," Albedo said.

Tsuki hated it when people saw right through her. Albedo noticed her unusual quiet demeanor. She wasn't even looking at him. She wasn't even showing the slightest bit of her knowing smile. Without fighting the urge to, he cupped her cheek and made her face him. "I'm not here to force you to tell me, but you do know that..." Albedo trailed off.

Tsuki raised an eyebrow.

"I'll always be here for you," He finished softly.

A soft pink hue appeared on her cheeks. Yes, Albedo was trying to comfort her, but she started feeling that weird feeling she got whenever he did things like this. He smiled. Mesmerized, Tsuki got lost in his ocean blue eyes. She wanted to stay like this forever. It was comforting having someone smile at you and tell you it's alright. And his hands were so warm...

Tsuki gasped and jumped, flustered. Albedo tilted his head curiously.

"Ah— haha—! Um.. T-thank you!" She stammered.

"You're welcome." Albedo said, "Oh, and you have to get ready for rehearsals. The band will be meeting up at 3 pm."

"Uh— yeah!" Tsuki said, still in an alarmed state "I-I'll meet you guys at— wait where are we meeting up?"

Albedo laughed softly. "Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you at the lobby," He said, "Well, I have to get going... I'll see you later."

"Yeah! Bye!" Tsuki said and shut the door the instant that man got out of her room.

She sighed and curled up in her bed, hugging her rabbit plush. She couldn't understand anything that was happening at all. She wanted to think about that nightmare, but she wanted to think about her concert. And a part of her wanted to focus on that manager of hers. 'This is annoying.' She thought frustratedly.

"Kazumi," Tsuki said as her brother answered the call.

"What's up?" Kazumi replied.

"What are you doing?"


"Is this not a good time..?"

"Just tell me what you wanna tell me," Kazumi said, playing with his pen.

"I want a hug," Tsuki pouted.

"Sometimes, I wonder where your brain is," Kazumi muttered.


"Sorry. But how will I give you hugs when I'm 15,000 kilometers away from you?"

"God, you really don't get the hint, do you? I meant 'make me feel better'!!"

"Okay. You are the best sister in the world, you have a cute smile, you're like an angel when you sleep, but you're like Satan when you're awake."

"The other comments were touching except the Satan part," Tsuki frowned, "Ahh! This won't do. This isn't making me feel better."

"Then go eat something," Kazumi replied.

"Hate to break it to you but food only works for you when you're depressed."

"No. Eating allows more tryptophan to enter the brain, and tryptophan allows more serotonin to be synthesized in the brain, and an individual's mood tends to improve."

"Well, I can't eat anything, thanks to you and my new manager," Tsuki rolled her eyes.

"Actually, you're the one who wanted to become an idol. So it's kinda your fault, if anything."

"This is why I like Yami more than you!" Tsuki complained.

"I know you do. So can you stop bothering me now?"

"No. Make me feel better first."

"Ugh. Um... I'm going to send you some snacks."

"Okay! You're the best! Bye Kazumi!" Tsuki smiled and ended the call.

Conclusion: She wasted 5 minutes of Kazumi's life and got free snacks out of it.

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