La Squadra

19 0 9

9 chapters for 9 members.








Sorbet y Gelato

Obviously the last two guys go together and this chapter is to cheat the numbers.

With the exception of the first and the last (this two are kind of suspended in time), they're more or less chronologicaly ordered. With a couple of years between Illuso's and Formaggio's.

I just want this guys outside of their mafia mode (mostly) and being people living their lives. This time I have romantic situations and date scenarios, even if over half are or stay platonic. In fact only 2 are romantic, and another 2 can be argued.

Also, a lot of OCs. I'm not sorry, they have to meet people just for existing. Ecen more when going out and with what they do.

This I made 100% for myself, I wasnt even going to publish it at first (I blame once again NekoNAILDE for this, and partly myself for telling her fujoshiness one of the chapters). And now I'm trasnlating all of this to spanish for her to read because I hate my self, and since I already have it in english...

OJO: I've never been on a proper date. My current partner is my first, and we're both too lazy for this sort of thing, or at least I don't register it properly (getting together after the "haha you two look like a couple" does not help). You have been warned. I have no idea what I'm doing. My references for this come from stories I've heard and ficction.


This, as it should be, is just for whoever wants to read it, and I'll be adding a "If anyone cares" beyond which there'll be a bit of info on the OCs.

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