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Zeppeli and Melone want Jack and Risotto to have a date. It does not go as planned.



The first time we see la Squadra, we se Formaggio, Prosciutto and I think Illuso with computers of their own, but then, Melone and Ghiaccio are sharing one and Risotto watches from teh foreground. And that led my head to say: flat mates for reasons.

Melone wants Risotto to have a date with their upstairs neighbourgh. But beyond the matchmakers, no-one is up to it.


Risotto is not too familiar with most of his neighbors. They're all mostly "regular" people. Key word mostly. Mr Oleo is an eccentric landlord. A good landlord, but an eccentric one. He likes renting to "interesting people". Being that most of the tenants in the building stay away from Risotto, and in turn, he does from them, there's not really much contact. With two exceptions.

The first one was honestly to make sure they weren't in danger. They expected it to be something trivial, but still looked into it just to be safe. And they were, that poor teacher barely even dares look their way. The notes on the elevator door were just her unintentionally passive aggressive way of telling Ghiaccio that the whole building can hear him rant. They always have an explanation, or the way to get it, for whatever had the bluenette ranting, and are signed "a concerned neighbor". Ghiaccio turns beat red every single time, but Risotto knows that after he rips the notes from the door, he keeps them all in a notebook, sometimes with his own added notes.

The second exception is his upstairs neighbors. He's as familiar with them as you can be with the group of thieves/scammers that pretend they don't know you're a hitman as much as you pretend you don't know what they are. Yeah, he's pretty familiar with them. They're 4, and they tend to go around in pairs. They are the only neighbors that dare address Risotto, always hitting him with a "hi Ris" "bye Ris" combo as they pass him in the hall. They're nice kids. It's a pity they insist on freelancing.

Gia and "Big guy" are less conspicuous, staying mostly to themselves. Jack would also be like them, if it weren't for Zeppeli. Honestly, he only knows Jack is their planner and the more experienced one in the criminal world because they keep arguing. Zeppeli is a mama duck, he doesn't even understand how she's part of the group, she worries too much. To her there's always some danger in anything Jack plans, and she should not over exert herself and this and that. The nagging is worse than Prosciutto's on a bad day.

To Make matters worse, they tend to go around together. You'd think Zeppeli would stay around Gia and Jack around Big Guy, but no. Zeppeli insists on nagging after Jack. He can hear them right now from his sofa. Risotto just sat down with a bear to wind down. He has to remove Melones legs, as the man is moping in his apartment after his break up, typing away at some stolen computer he's going to trash when he's done as an apology to Baby Face for cheating.

"I don't have the time."

"But you can make it!" Something unintelligible. "Fine. You don't have to make time for yourself. How about you make it for someone else! * GASP * You could go on a date!"

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