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Mr Oleo swindles Ghiaccio to go Ice Skating with Calla.



This happens some months after Melone attemted to get Risotto a date. Ghaccio is still that too loud neighbour no-one dares complain about.

Not long after Melone comes out of his funk, the landlords great-granddaughter move with him, and Mr Oleo swindles the only person he can think of that can ice skate into taking her to the Ice Rink.


Ghiaccio has no idea what he's doing. Risotto is the one that knows about medical conditions and mental health, not him. And this is writen from Ghia's point of view.


Ghiaccio doesn't know how the man managed it. That 90 year old fox is way too sharp for his age. Maybe it's because he's Risotto's landlord, and easily agreed to fiddle with the lease when both Melone and him had to move in with their lider. The thing is he doesn't really want to do this, but he does not want to get kicked out to the curve either. But no one ever said he had to be happy about it. So down the street he goes, grumbling and in a horrible mood.

"Are you OK?"

He hates that question. Why would anyone ask it to someone that is visibly not OK? He whirls around to yell at the brat that no, he isn't because he's basically doing this against his will. Only to be faced with empty dead eyes. God. He really could beat her to a pulp and she would not see the problem. It unnerves him. He becomes so uncomfortable, he defaltes from his anger almost immediately, and goes back to walking.

"I had a bad morning."

He lies. Of course he lies. The list of things that are wrong with that girl is way too long already, he'd be immediately evicted by her great-grandfather if he were to add to it. Born with CIPA, beaten by her father, mother dead in surgery... No wonder Calla is unfeeling. She wouldn't even be able to feel something even though self harm if she tried to due to her illness. If asked, he'd say at this point the girl is better dead. She wouldn't even feel the pain.

But nooo, she's the landlord's sole living relative, and future owner of everything Mr Oleo has, including their apartment. A landlord that allows their nonsense is hard to find. And given that Oleo is teaching her how he does things, it's kind of in their best interest that she's alive and well, and capable of taking after her great-grandfather.

But why does he have to take her to the Ice Rink? It will be fine, you can ice skate and make sure she's ok, you're not really busy that day, it's just for a bit, I'm too old to take her. HE'S SELECTIVELY OLD THAT'S WHAT HE IS! Does that old man not remember what a 10 year age gap is? And why did Risotto have to endorse this? Oh yeah, because he's biased towards their landlord.

And OK, he is man enough to admit to himself he felt like an older cousin when Calla's eyes gleamed with happiness at the prospect of ice skating. It's the most genuine emotion he's seen in the brat since she moved to their building. Not that stupid mask she puts up to not worry others so much.

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