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Gelato can't remember the date of their anniversary.



It's the last one! We know so little about this two writing them is very interesting (at least for me). The ammount of fics and stuff I've gone through to help me create my image of them with hel of the canon.

This here is how a scare turned into a nice time at home. So a bit of angst at the begining.


Gelato nearly has a meltdown when it dawns on him. He was classifying and checking the dates of some of the pictures he and Sorbet got for intel, and it's in the checking of those dates that he notices it's been about a year since him and Sorbet became a thing. But he can't remember the date. He just... can't.

What if he misses their anniversary? What kind of loving partner does that? And it's only their first! What if this is a sign they're not meant to be? Nononono. That can't be. But why can't he remember? It's just a number. He remembers more complicated things. He remembers many other things from when they met. And from their first official date. The bloodbath they made that day was one to remember.

He's agonizing over this when the door opens and in comes Sorbet. Of course, the brunette immediately worries when he sees his significant other close to having a meltdown. Gelato is slumped on their couch and tugging at his hair, pictures all around and tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Gelato has always been the emotional one of the two, but usually Sorbet has some idea as to what has gotten under his skin. This time he can't think of anything. He left him for a bit to scout for a good sniper nest to use in their next hit, and comes back to one of the most heartbreaking sights he's ever witnessed.

"Sorbetto? I'm so sorry Sorbetto."

The brunette doesn't understand what is going on, but his beloved is hurting, and he needs to do something about it. He's by the blonde's side and hugging him close before he can even think about doing it. Gelato is a babbling mess and keeps apologizing for something. Gelato only ever apologizes to Sorbet, and even then, it has to be serious.

"Gelato schatz, I can't understand what's wrong if you mumble like that."

Sorbet just rubs the others back, hoping it's enough to calm him down. He doesn't want to think about his schatz having a full blown panic attack. He'd be able to handle it, he just wishes it doesn't come to that. The stars seem to be on the austrian's side for now, as Gelato does calm down enough to talk properly.

"I'm a horrible partner, Sorbetto. I forgot our anniversary. I tried, but I can't remember the date."

What? It takes a moment for Sorbet o realice he never told his partner how he feels about anniversaries. He always kind of assumed it would be the same for his other half. But why is he apo- Oh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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