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A Favor for Fabro: "Please go on this Date." The shit he has to deal with.



This and a later chapter are the reason this even exist in the first place.

Picking the path of leats resistance, Prosciutto ends up having an arranged date at a restaurant.


The moment Prosciutto heard the door banging he knew Fabro was in a horrible mood. It happens every once in a while. Usually he ends up hearing about some hot-shot rich idiot getting kicked out of her shop in spectacular fashion. Last time it was this spoiled daddy's girl that got dragged to the curve by the hair. He's not entirely sure how she managed on the stiletto heels the tailor was wearing that day, but her not getting sued yet is the bigger achievement here.

Both of them have rather short tempers, he just has the better job to take it out on something. Whenever something like that happens he wonders if he should have insisted she join the mafia with him. It wouldn't have been hard when her Stand can slit throats like a hot knife butter. But as she takes it out by throwing her keys and shoes, he just stirs the pot in front of him.

"Sciutto! I didn't know you'd be home."

"Hmm, and where did you think the smell of dinner came from?"

"You tell me, it's not the first time I have to kick one of your crazy exes out."

"That was a low blow."

It's not like they have much etiquette to their verbal sparring, but Fabro is usually the classier of the two. Or at least the more creative. Bringing up mothers and exes is not her usual style, and he doesn't need to elaborate on that, a raised eyebrow is more than enough.

"Sorry. It's just... Iglesias has been pestering me again and it's getting worse."

"That was the crazy art curator, right?"

"The very same. She's still insisting on getting me on a date."

Prosciutto sucks in air in a wince. He remembers the only time Iglesias swindled Fabro into a date. It was ugly. Especially because everyone involved knew each other from the underground art scene, and that is pretty much a glorified zoo. With Fabro's temper, he's surprised the night didn't end in murder. Calling her a sellout is a sure way to get on her bad side.

"Exactly. So I'm throwing a friend under the bus. That should give me a few months of peace."

"Do I know this friend?"

"I haven't decided on who yet. It has to be exciting enough to keep her entertained for at least 3 months."

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