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Mela is coming to terms with having to break up with her gf soon and needs a pick me up. Formaggio is there to help.



This chapter is basically two buddies having a moment. I can't allow my pal to have be in such a funk over something that hasn't even happened yet!

They were at work, but skipping their shift is more importante at the moment.


Mela is acting weird. She was kinda down on the bus already, but he chucked it to her having a rough day at school. Her finals should be right around the corner after all. He hates it. For the last couple of times she's had exams she's mostly ignored him in favor of her studies, making those the most boring weeks at work ever since they started hanging out during their shifts. Yes, they're shit employees, sue them.

But today it's different. She has her books out, but the most she's done with them is make those loops with the pages by slotting the outer edge into the spine. And she just hummed at some of his best jokes. Hummed! Usually they'd be laughing their asses off as she tells him how bad the joke was. His pal is in a funk and he's going to get to the bottom of this.

Thus, the poking and prodding begins. He goes for a more indirect, discrete approach at first. To no avail. Mela's not even listening, like WTF man! "Sorry, I'm not quite here today." He calls bullshit. So Formaggio becomes annoying, and about half-way through their shift he throws any and all delicacy out the window and out right demands to know what has gotten into her.

"I'm breaking up with my girlfriend soon, ok?"

"But didn't you know that already?"

It's one of the things he'll never understand about Mela. She came out, knowing the risks (and having some come true, like getting kicked out by her parents) to date this (admittedly cute) girl she knew she would break up with when gf eventually left to study abroad. He only even knows this because she had a slip of the tongue soon after they met properly about her gf (Formaggio couldn't care less, Sorbet and Gelato's PDA made him inmune a long time ago to this sort of thing). And thanks to that he gets more stories and pics of Mr Whiskers and Lucifer (the gf's cats).

"I did. It just... dawned on me today that this is our last month together."

Ok, no. Formaggio is not going to let his friend mop over this. It's not worth it and it's annoying. Mela is a strong resourceful jackass, not some sad, easily depressed nini. And like, it's killing the chill vibe they should have going on. So, he's going to fix this. Formaggio plops an arm over her shoulders and grins.

"Hey. Think of it this way. You still have a month together!"

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