Teen parents

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You and mason are 17.

I stood re-reading the test over and over this cannot be true.  I knew I had felt ill for a couple weeks now . Well since that night .We are to young. To young. This is going to ruin his career if he decided to stay with you. I don't want to give away the baby or have and abortion. It just didn't seem right thing for me.

How am I going to tell him . I sat on the bathroom floor with tears streaming down my face. He will be home soon he only lives next door to me and training finishes soon.

I couldn't move I was frozen in fear. I was still sat gently cuddling my stomach. Only tiny bump. Not even a bump really you could just say I'm bloated.

I was broken out my trance when I heard a car door shut. Luckily he didn't come straight to mine. But around 15 minutes later I got a message.

Hey y/n can I come over now xx

I know I shouldn't have done it. I knew it would upset him I never do it. I was stupid. Should have said I was busy. Because it only took 5 minutes of him to be knocking on my front door.

I don't answer I don't think I could move from my floor. I was home alone but mason had a spare key so I knew he would just let himself in if I don't answer. At least I had some sense to quickly hide the test in a draw just I heard the key turn in the lock. I stayed curled up with my head touching my knees. I knew mason would question it but I can't bring myself to move.

Mason starts walking up the stairs and noticed my en-suite pretty much but just a crack open. He knew this wasn't like me tej door is either fully shut or closed . We had been friends since we were 3 and been dating just under 2 years now.He slowly pushed open the door and his face immediately fell when he saw me.

He instantly got down next to me wrapping me into a tight hug . Just whispering comfort into my ears.He didn't question what was wrong he knew I wasn't in any state to answer. We sat like this for 5 minutes before he decided he had enough of sitting on a bathroom floor.

He got up and took my hand and pulled me up. He dragged me all the way to the bed which we both collapsed on cuddling up to each other. He was stroking her hair gently desperately trying to comfort her.She finally stopped crying.

"Hey what's wrong you know you can tell me anything"

I stayed silent unsure of what to say. I couldn't look at him I knew looking at his pleading eyes would instantly make me cave in.

I got up mason straight away did the same and followed me. With trembling hands I slowly opened the draw.Mason saw the test coloured drained from his face he already knew what was coming.

I saw this but still picked it up anyway showing him it was in fact positive and the other 4 I took just to be sure it wasn't false.He just stood there silent unsure of what to say just looking at me with a mixture of shock and horror.

"Put i thought we used protection and I thought you were on birth control"

"It must have broken I'm not sure. Also I told you months ago I came of birth control I didn't like what it did to my moods" I said so quite it was barely audible.

" I can't do this right now" he turned and walked right out the house .

I walked straight into my bed and just cried into my pillows.

A couple hours later i heard my parents come home. I'm not that close with my dad but my mum is like a sister to me as I have no siblings. She saw me in my bed with red puffy eyes obviously been crying but I had no tears left to cry.

She didn't need to say anything all I did was point to the bathroom were all the pregnancy test were.

I couldn't even watch her reaction I was scared. Put her reaction really shocked  me she crawled into the covers with me and cuddled me telling me it would be ok and we would figure it out.

A few weeks  later:
Me and mason still hadn't spoken and my morning sickness was getting worse. I had one scan and we worked out that actually I'm quite far along but my bump is tiny. Im currently 16 weeks.

Today is the day I have been dreading masons mum Debbie has invited the whole family around so we all know what this will be about. I decided to wear a the tightest cloths ever to really make my  bump look as big as possible.

Me , my mum and dad were all stood outside the mount house waiting to be let in. Debbie opened the door and gave us all a hug and led us through to the living  room.

We all say I'm silence for a couple minutes which felt like hours no one knew what to say then mason decides to speak.

"I don't want anything to do with that fucking baby alright it will ruin my career." He then stormed upstairs and my heart was left shattered.

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