Harper spoils the surprise

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You (age 23):

Yours and mason kid ( harper :age 3)

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Yours and mason kid ( harper :age 3)

Mason, Ben and Declan all have a couple day break after the  euro and before the premier league starts again

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Mason, Ben and Declan all have a couple day break after the  euro and before the premier league starts again. We all decided to go out for a meal. Declan was bring his girlfriend Lauren whereas Ben was coming alone as he was single. This delighted harper as she had a very obvious crush on him.

I was putting the finishing touches into my makeup when harper   and mason came in barging in. With harper  only wearing pants.

Y/n: " your suit looks nice babe but we're are harps cloths"

M: "she's refusing and you know how I can never say no to her little face when she says she wants to see her gorgeous mum"

Y/n: "Ok well I have finished my makeup now so let's go get this little monkey dressed.

I scoped harper up and carried her into her room. I placed her down next to me and started looking through her wardrobe  for a fancy dress to wear. "Ok harps which one do you want to wear." I ask her."I want to match daddy"

It was no secret harper was a daddy girl. So I picked the dress that was the closest mason suit. I mason and harper out the house so we weren't late.

Harper was chatting away about how exited she was for tonight. Me and mason had to hold in out laughs are she rambled on about Ben. We were teasing her about liking Ben which she denied and then stopped talking to us and sat the rest on the car journey sulking. This just made me and mason laugh harder.

We finally pulled into the car park with a very grumpy harper in the back. We parked next to Declan's car where ben was sat in the back like a lost child so he didn't have to travel alone. Mason took a picture of Ben from our car before getting out and opening harpers door.

She began to cry and just shouted for Ben. Ben heard this while getting in the car and ran straight over to her. He unclipped her belt and scooped her up she instantly stopped crying and was smiling away as we walked towards the restaurant.

Ben gave harper a kiss on the cheek as the rest of us trailed behind them. We al laugh at harper reaction as she goes bright red and starts laughing.

We all take out seats at the table and dove into our own conversations. Me and Lauren are talking. While mason , ben and Declan are all chatting about football while harper listens excitedly trying to join in.

Harper taps Declan's shoulder immediately getting his attention and he learns forward so he can listen to her. She whispers I'm his ear "my daddy says West Ham is a rubbish team and you play for them so you smell uncle dec"

Declan chuckles at what the young girl said and lightly smacks mason on the back of the head. Mason turns his head quickly confused what had just happened "oi what was that for". Declan laughs "I'm not sure mate , maybe your daughter just told me about your thoughts on West Ham."

Mason looks at harper and shakes his head at her making her to start giggling . Thinking she had got her dad in trouble.

We were all sat eating our food till harper suddenly shouts "doesn't mummy belly look big today." Everyone looks at each other confused why the young girl had at of no where shouting something quite rude. Mason scolds harper "harper you can't say stuff like that about people it's rude"

Ben starts laughing under his breath shoulders shaking as if he is holding in a massive laugh. We stare at him confused. " sorry , sorry it's just I can't take mason seriously and when he does his dad voice it's just so funny."

Mason glared at Ben. This caused everyone at the table to burst out laughing at how ridiculous this whole conversation has been.

The harper makes another comment which stunned everyone but me "did you know that daddy going to be a dad again". Everyone turns to mason and he hold his hands up as if to say nothing to do with me I don't know.

This caused everyone to look at me. "Thanks harper I guess not what we planned." I pulled out a baby grow from my bag which said born in 2022 on it.

Declan and Ben congratulate us both . Lauren starts crying saying she is so happy and mason looks at me shocked eyes sparkling with tears. "Are you happy?" I ask conceded. He whispers in my ear "happiest I have ever been thank you so much for giving me the best gift anyone could ever ask for".

I smile and conversation turns to baby chat for the rest of the time we were there.Mason didn't let a smile leave his face to the point he actually said it hurt him making the whole table laugh again.

I look around at everyone smiling. These people are my family's me I'm so grateful to have met them. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me and make me the happiest person alive. I can't wait to have my second baby and share the journey with all of them.

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