Your a liar

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It all makes sense now. All the late training sessions. All the drinks out with the "boys". All the always conversations that use to flow so easily. All the times he encouraged me to go see a friend.

It's all suddenly came together in my head as I was on my way to a friends mason thought I hadn't seen in a while. I pull over straight away changing my gps to the home we share in order to get there as quick as possible.

I get home within 15 minutes I park my car down the road so that he wouldn't know I was home. He said he was just going to game with the boys today as they all had a break from trains for the afternoon to. Would be believable if there wasn't all these either lies recently.

Maybe I was looking to much into this. Then I remembered that Ben my good friend that actually introduced me to mason. I called him...

Ben: "Hey y/n what's up ?

Y/n: "Sorry to call you I was just wondering if your playing on you ps5 with mase right now"

Ben: "No why ?"

Y/n: oh ok never mind I will talk to you later bye"

Ben: "bye"

I knew I had to be quick. Ben and mason are close very close. I'm scared Ben will tell mason about my question before I can catch him.

I rushed towards the house slowly fine when I got close. I sneaked onto the drive to the front door. I quietly pulled my key out my pocket. Putting it carefully into the lock and twisting it. I slowly push the door open and gently shut it so it made no noise. I slowly walk making sure to not step anywhere the creaks.

I head straight for the gaming room. I swear I can hear someone and it's not looking good. I push the gaming room door open and shock he isn't there. I instantly change my path and head to our shared bedroom.

I make it up the stairs with as little noise as possible my breath hitched at the back of my throat. Maybe I shouldn't do this. I mean what I don't know can't hurt me. But all these accusations in my head are hurting me anyway so I keep going.

I open the bedroom door not caring how loud I was as if he was doing something wrong it's to late to hide now. My eyes full with tears. Shock, anger and sadness written all over my face.

He was in bed with a girl. You can guess what I saw. He quickly jumps up putting cloths on.

I just look at him my voice cracking "how could you do this to me in the bed we built together"

M: "look babe.."

Y/n: "no don't. Don't call me babe you have no right"

M: "we weren't the same anymore your different ever since i became successful and getting all the attention from girls online."

Y/n: "no you have no right I would do anything and very thing for you and you know that. You took advantage of my fragile state you know how I feel I always told you but you never told me . Don't think I didn't notice your change in behaviour because I did you made us not work anymore not me. You were the one cheating. You were the one lying.

M: "maybe if you didn't have so many problems then I would never feel the need to cheat."

Y/n: "I really thought you were different but clearly not. I will come collect my stuff some time this week you can keep the house"

Before I could properly hear his response I quickly pack some cloths that could last me a couple days. I could hear him shouting excuses and reason at me but I just block it out once I got everything I needed I left.

I knew where I wanted to go. I drove to Bens house. I didn't know where else to go I moved with Ben when he moved to Chelsea I wanted a change anyway but that meant everyone I was ever close to is in Leicester. Maybe I should move back there once I get my stuff.

I knock on Bens door my vision blurred with tears sobs breaking through my lips every so often.Ben opens the door confusion on his face then shock and horror when he saw my state. He quickly ushers me into the living room. Before her goes into the kitchen and puts the kettle on.

He comes back after making a tea for ten both of us. Putting them down on the coffee table then sitting next to me pulling me into a tight hug.

Y/n: " He ,he cheated on me . For months I think not sure. But I just caught him."

Ben: "aw y/n I'm so sorry what are you going to do"

Y/n: "I'm getting my stuff tomorrow and moving back to Leicester I can't be around here anymore. I just can't risk seeing him."

Ben: "if that's what you think is best. But me and all the Chelsea boys are going to miss you so much."

I left Bens the next morning I knew they had training at that time so I let myself into the house. Tears stung my eyes. I picked everything I owned and wanted to keep. Chucking it in boxes.

As I carried the last box into my car. I went back in and looked around the house one last time. It hurt it hurt so much but he did this . I couldn't see all our plans all our memories. I shut the front door and posted the key through in and envelope explaining not to contact me and I have done what's best for me.

And that was it I'm off to Leicester to restart my life again. I blocked mason it was for the best.

Later that day:
Mason pov:
I get home. Everyone noticed my change in mood. I was distant and angry. So angry in myself. She was right it was all my fault and I will never forgive myself for what I did to her. I love her. Why did I do this.I have to get her back. I need her and I know she knows deep down that she needs me.

I got home unlocking the front door I saw this envelope. My heart broke when I read it. I knew the only person who would know and that Ben but I didn't know if he will answer my calls.luckily he does.

M: "hey mate is there any chance you know where y/n went she blocked my number and I need to talk to her.

B: " look I'm sorry but I just can't but don't expect to see her anytime soon that's all I can say."

I ended the call. I was sobbing. Why did I have to be so stupid. I have lost the only girl I have ever loved forever and it's all my fault.

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