Your a liar part 3

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I re-read the test result over and over. We not even back together officially yet how will we raise a baby together. To make Mather worse I must be around 4 weeks pregnant already.

I had no idea how to tell him. I had to talk to someone right now just to clear my head. I decided to call Ben he was the only one I felt comfortable talking to right now.

Hey are you free right now I really need to speak to you x

Yeah sure I'm home alone come round whenever x

That's all I needed I jumped into my car and drove straight to Ben's. It was hard to drive although it was only around a 10 minute drive my eyes were cloudy with tears so it was difficult to see.

I somehow managed to get to Ben's house safely. I knock on the door rapidly. Ben senses the urgency in my knock and quickly made his way to the door. I tightly gripped the small makeup bag looking thing with all the test in.

Ben pulls me into a tight hug and tried to ask me what's wrong but I shake my head. He moved to allow me to walk into his house. I took my shoes of and we walked into the living room. He sat on the sofa and I instantly sat next to him cuddling into his side while he gently stroked the top in my head to comfort me while I cried into his chest.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes.Till I eventually sat up I wiped my eyes and looked at his T-shirt. "Omg I'm so sorry" I felt awful there was makeup stains all over it. "Honestly dint worry about .So are you going to tell me what's got you all upset like this."

I didn't know how to tell him. How do I say oh yeah mason got me pregnant and we're not even back together yet. Instead o went to the door with speaking and quickly returned with ten small makeup bag thing.

Ben have me a confused look.I handed it to him which he slowly opened and poured the content onto the coffee table in front of him. He gasped so loud. "So it's masons right." Al I can do is nod my head.      
"Shit y/n it will be alright your so strong I know you can do this and I will be here for you every step of the way."

I thank him and wrap him into a tight hug. We decide it's best to book a doctors appointment to make sure the baby is healthy before I even think about telling mason.

I stayed around Ben's for a while we just sat cuddling in a comforting friend way and watched films. Ben even treated us both to a dominos.

I decide to leave around 10 pm . Normally this is early for me but recently I have been so tired and going to sleep early which I now know is from the the  pregnancy.

One week later:
Ben decided he would come to the scan with me for support which is were we are going today. I'm sat nervously in the waiting room. My leg bouncing rapidly. I'm nervous that everything won't be ok but I think I'm even more nervous that this means I will have to tell mason about the baby.

Eventually after what felt like hours they finally called my name. I sat in the chair as they explained what they were going to do. I pulled my leggings down and my jumper up leaving my belly exposed.They put the gel on my stomach and it was freezing. Then I saw it my baby  tears
slowly rolling down my face. I knew then that I would have this baby with or without mason.

I looked over at Ben and he looked like he was about to cry to. We then listened to the heartbeat. My heart melted and I felt so much love for this baby already. The lady printed 3 pictures of the scan for me as I cleaned the gel of my stomach. I thanked  her and we left.

Tomorrow was the day i was going to have tell mason.

The next day:
Me and ben had spent the night going over the plan of how till tell mason. I brought a baby onesie on Amazon the night before and as I had prime it was coming within the next couple hours.

What the onesie looks like:

It came just after mason would finish training so I texted him to come straight to mine after training

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It came just after mason would finish training so I texted him to come straight to mine after training. He quickly agreed to come as we haven't seen as each other since I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't bare to.

I quickly wrapped the onesie up and placed the scan picture in a card underneath so he opened the present first.

I was so scared my hand were shaking rapidly. So scared I didn't even notice the time flying by and before I know it there was a knock at the door. I invited mason in and he sat on ten sofa when I said I had something for him I returned with the card and present.

I shakily handed a confused mason the presents he opened it he unfolded the onesie confused as he could only see the back. "Turn it around idiot" I rolled my eyes at him.
He read it and tears rapidly spilled down his face. Shut he's upset what have I done maybe I should have just ran away and never told him. He still hasn't said anything so I just handed him the card.

He opened it and somehow he cried even harder. "So what do you think? I know it's not ideal and you don't have to be involved if you don't want to"I say my voice shaking as I speak.

"Are you kidding. Thank you so much this is the happiest I have felt on so long thanks to you and now the baby I'm so exited when can I tell my family . I know they would be so exited."

"Let wait till I'm 12 weeks which I'm currently 5 just to be safe"I couldn't wipe the smile from my face the rest of the night. Neither could mason.

I can't wait to see what the future will bring now on this new journey.

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