The girl in red

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Mason pov:
We just beat Arsenal 2-0 but it really wasn't my best game. I couldn't focus. Right as the whistle was about to go to signal start of the game I spot the must gorgeous girl. One problem she is in the away stands proudly wearing that disgusting red shirt.

Throughout the game I keep glancing at her making direct eye contact.She always slightly smiles but seems to gamble around as if I'm not looking at her.

I knew I had to score to try impress her. I got an easy gal in and celebrated right in front of her doing sticking my tongue out with my hand around my ears as if to say I can't hear you to the away fans.This got her frustrated at my cockiness I can tell by her face . To be honest I found it cute.

I knew what I had to do. At the end of the game we went around clapping at our fans like we always do thanking them for the support. Then and idea springs into my mind.

I walk straight over to the away fans. Luckily it was a cold day so I had my under armour on. I take my shirt if as I get close and tried to hand it to her.

She looked at me with pure disgust " I don't take shirts from the opposition especially after you beat us"

This took me back I didn't know what to say. My charm didn't work for once. This never happens. I fire back "but surely you make and exception for me"

She sighs and takes the shirt "I guess I have a friend who supports Chelsea" and walks away smugly.

I stand there in shock that girl is beyond amazing I have to find her again.Luckily she had dropped a piece of paper discreetly in front of me while we were talking with what I assume her number on.

I turn the small piece of paper over it says couldn't be seen as a fake fan call me some time.

I walked away into the changing rooms smirking happily raising suspicion from my teammates but I immediately shut them down saying I was happy with today's result. slotting the paper into the back of my phone case pretending nothing had happened.

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