Injury in the world cup final

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My heart sank. I watched his drop to the floor crying out in pain. It was awful. That stupid player who tackled him. It was the World Cup final it meant so much to him. France can't do this again they can't win. They have given teams so much grief during the tournament injured so many players it's not fair they shouldn't be allowed to play.

No surprises but it was the worst offender of them all he must be paying the refs he should have had a red card per game players his tackles were that dirty. It was Wesley fofana his ex teammate. Mason was through on goal and he completely took out his ankle while two footing him. It was a clear red. But yet the ref didn't even stop the game. It could have been the match winning goal the score was currently 1-1 with ten minutes of normal time left to play .

Mason was crying out in pain slapping his fists into the ground clearly trying to ease the pain by hurting his hand instead. It was madness on the pitch most of the players surrounding the ref screaming  shouting and pushing the other team. Declan ram to mase side trying to comfort him as the medics are rushing onto tej pitch.

Tears staring rolling down my cheek devastated for him  and worried about the severity of it. He wanted this so bad . He needed to win more then anything. I had our two month old daughter cradled in my arms she was settled as suddenly the family was a lot quieter all of mason family were silent people looking  at us sympathetically knowing this was bad. Our three year old son Noah was crying clearly upset with the state of his beloved dad. But time was moving in slow motion I quickly put the baby carrier on and safely secured our daughter in it before  picking up Noah and placing him on my hip unsure of how to comfort him as I felt the same. I stroked his head trying to reassure him but it was useful as he could tell I didn't mean what I was saying.

Mason was being quickly stretchered off the pitch and I make eye contact with dec on the pitch who waved me down. I quickly rushed off  my seat being Noah  and my daughter with me knowing I could leave them with staff nearby if mason doesn't what them in there.

We quickly made it to the medical room where we could see a crying mason with a team do doctors surrounding him. I knocked and they let me in. Mason saw Noah and tried to put a brave face on but he couldn't that's when I knew this was serious. I spoke to my son "daddy's ok look should I go take you to uncle Ben so you can finish watching the game I know you were so exited to see" he agreed.I know he knew he wasn't as he kept crying but he did it for me. I took him  down the tunnel till I was stopped by security. I needed to get back to mason so I quickly explained yeh situation and he took my crying son out my hands and lead him to the bench. Relived I ran back to the medical room.

I came back to mason bed side holding his hand and trying to rub his head comfortingly as doctors continued to examine him. They left the room  to discuss what to do and create options for mason. Mason spoke to me for the first time and my heart broke for him. "I've ruined everything haven't I we can't even mark another sub till extra time we used them all" I quickly replied trying to convince him that he was wrong but he wouldn't listen. On cue our daughter began to  cry I moved my body bouncing her slightly to try to stop he but he wouldn't she wanted her dad and we both knew it. He reached out for her so I picked her up out her carrier and handed her to him. She stopped crying and mason held onto to her so tight like it was the last time he would see her.

His attention turned to me after a few minutes of silence asking where Noah went  and I explained he seemed more relaxed from the answer and due to the effect  his pain medication was definitely starting to kick in. The doctors came back into the room so I carefully took out sleeping daughter out of mason arms. Then we heard the thing we were dreading. This could ruin his career he could never play again depending on the extent of the injury.

His ankle was broken in two places it needed surgery and soon he couldn't be here to see the end of the game he clumsy be there with his teammates when the lose to comfort each other  or lift the trophy and get there medals together he was devastated begged them to delay it till after that. But they did not agree they thought it could cause it to get worse and delays his time of returning onto the pitch which at very least would be 6 months.

Mason begged and begged saying this would make his career to be here anyway I begged as well saying it's only and extra hour at most. They agreed but reluctantly giving a clear set of rules putting a boot on his ankle not putting pressure in it and no drinking or heavy celebrating if they do win.

Mason was extremely upset still but slightly happier they gave him so crutches and I accompanied  him to the bench to help them tried to move away when Southgate stopped me saying j could say I thanked him knowing i was very lucky to be allowed to do this. I go over to Ben and go to take Noah off Jim's s he has played most of the game so must be tired and doesn't need to do this . I thanked him profusely and he said it was no bother and insisted on keeping him as I still had my daughter and mason to look after. I thanked him again and went to sit near mason holding his tightly.

The game was in added time of the  second  half  and England still had ten men on the pitch how France still had eleven players was ridiculously and I know the whole team will support mason and make sure he gets the right punishment . The atmosphere was tense both teams desperate to score. The suddenly a miracle happened England scored the whole crowd went crazy  the bench jumped to their feet desperate to run on pitch but there was over a matter of seconds left. Mason jumped up then cried out in pain due to jumping on his bad ankle.

The crowd was silent desperate for the whistle was blown. And there it was England had won the 2026 World Cup. Everyone tan on the pitch mason hobbled over quickly taking our daughter with his to celebrate with his team and Noah was already over there on Bens shoulder he looked so happy. This should be masons best day of his life but the injury tainted over it but luckily due  to his begging he was able to experience this moment with the team and revive him medal but soon after had to go to the hospital to get his surgery.

6 month later...
Mason made a good recovery better then anyone could expect he was already back on the pitch at his best still on a high from ten World Cup even though it didn't end quite how he wanted. And our family couldn't be happier so even after the devastating injury it all worked out ok as fofane and the ref recovered a hefty fine and  a ban the ref for life and fofane got a few monotheism out till mason returned to the pitch. All due to the fact the teams who had previously played teamed up with England and worked together to get this as what France and specifically fofane did during ten tournament was not ok but at least it all worked out in the end.

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