Teen parents part 2

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You and mason are now 19

You have had baby Delilah and she is about 18 months now.This is her :

Mason is now playing for derby county and is doing really well under frank Lampard

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Mason is now playing for derby county and is doing really well under frank Lampard. You still haven't spoken to him but have kept in contact with his parents as you would feel and to keep them from their beautiful granddaughter. Mason is unaware of this but Debbie is really grateful.

You were just doing your everyday thing with Delilah when you suddenly got a text from your grandad asking for you would like to come to a derby game with him as he is a huge fan. None of my family ever knew about mason we liked to keep out relationship private and as my family live in Oxford but I lived in London we just never got around to it.i had a good idea though.

Hey Debbie just wondering when your next going to go to one of mason game as my grandad had invited me to one so maybe you could spend some time with Delilah xx

Debbie x :
Hey that would be great I'm going to next weeks game I'm Saturday is there any chance I could have her from the whole game and give her back at the end of the game xx

Yeah of course see you then xxx

I texted my grandad back and told him about my plans he was happy and agreed to them. Then I realised what I had done it had been two years since I saw him and I knew I would never be able to get over him so seeing him would be so hard to see him again.

One week later:
I had driven down to Oxford and picked up my grandad on the way to derby.To say I was scared was an understatement. I had agreed we're to meet Debby and my grandad didn't know exactly who I was meeting just knew I was give Delilah over to someone.

We managed to get to derby without stopping a dm I went my separate way to meet Debby. She was already there by the time I got there and was so exited to see Delilah.

I had a short conversation with her before heading off to my seat they announced the starting lineup and of course mason was playing.I couldn't help but think if he still thought about me and our baby.I sat and watched the game unable to take my eyes of him. He looks different. Better almost which I don't know how. I'm happy he's doing well don't get me wrong but I can't stop thinking about what could have been.

Masons pov:
It was just any other game day. Actually that's not true my parents aged come to watch which was rare and I was so exulted to see them.

I got into my position on the field and couldn't help but quickly scan the player friends and family area. I was surprised to see my mum holding a young toddler. Instantly my mind rushed to y/n and our child. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't of been such a dick and left.i pushed it to the back of my head as I heard the whistle blow to signal ten start of the game.

It's the end of the game we played well and beat QPR 3-1.But I wants bothered about that. My mum was still holding a child. Why has she for so long. I ran through ten tunnel muttering  excuses  as I run into the changing to quickly shower and change. Im down within 10 minutes and quickly say  my good byes to the  team and management.

I call my mum as I run to where she was sat desperate to find out who this is. She answer saying she I waiting out in front of players exit. I run there a fling open the door only to see just my parents there was no child with them.

D: "hey mase you played really well today."

M: "Thanks but who was that child you were with like the whole game"

D: "Oh just one of the players kids why"

M: "Why haven't I seen them before though but at the same time she looked familiar"
D: "I'm not sure mase let's go home must be tired."

Even though my mum said it was just a players kid I couldn't shake the fact that the little girl really looked like someone I know. I really tried to forget it but I just couldn't.

Y/n pov:
Shit. My car has  broken down on some random street while trying to take a shortcut. Luckily Delilah is asleep and my grands is angry. I call the AA and they say because of traffic they will be ages around two hours.

I decided to text Debby unsure of what else to do.

Hey Debby we have broken down and the wait is around two hours is there anything you could think of down *street address*.

Debbie x:
Omg that's down the road mase lives we are there now if your are comfortable.

I mean it couldn't hurt maybe mason will be happy to see us and I know my grandad would love it.

Ok just come and knock on number 19.

I turned to my grandad and said "An old friend of mine lives down this road and said we could go there while we wait"

I get Delilah out her car seat I feel sick I'm so scared. We found the house number and knocked on the door.

Mason pov:
I heard a knock at my door my mum quickly ran to the door I could hear muttering of a very familiar voice. My mum comes walking in holding that child again she looks so familiar. Then someone I never thought I would see again. Someone I miss daily walks through the door.

My face instantly lights up we just stand staring at each other unsure of what to say.

M: "Is that my kid"

All she does is nod tears full my eyes my own parents know how much I miss her and have been seeing her behind my back but I don't blame them. They always were upset by my choice. As was I.

M: " what's her name?"

Y/n : " Delilah but we all call her Lila or del"

M: " she looks just like you"

I scoop her up just admiring my own daughter. Tears spilling down my face as I softly speak apologise and introduce myself to her. She seems so happy so forgiving and now I realise what I really missed what I really need.

M: " look I know it's been long but there hasn't been a day that I hadn't missed you or thought of  you I need you. I can't let you go again. Move in with me. I can't miss another moment with Lila be mien again please y/n."

She looks shocked everyone does no one talks her grandad looks amazed never knowing about us in the first place.she doesn't speak you looks unsure but she slowly nods her head.

That's all I need to gently place Delilah down and run to y/n wrapping her in a tight hug and kissing her passionately. Not caring how as watching and I don't think she cared.

It's us against the world now forever me her and Delilah and I know I that's all I need to make me feel complete forever.

The end.

Authors note:
What do we think of the ending and what other ideas should  I write about to do with mason.

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