🌙 SE2 - Panther X Reader(Human)

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"This panther seems to be interested in this certain human. The panther has tried to talked to the human but the human always ran away. The panther always secretly protected the human from hazards though. Until one day..They finally talked."

You were resting in your bed. It was a cold morning. You got up tiredly and put on a dark blue sweater and black pants.You brushed your hair then grabbed a bat and went out of your room. The facility was quite silent where you were. Until you arrived at crystal cave. A kaiju spotted you and grabbed your hand and threw you into  a crystal. You hurt your head badly but you could feel someone picking you up with soft arms. You closed your eyes. All you could see was darkness. Until you opened your eyes again and saw a familiar red-yellow eye creature holding you. You looked at the creature for a few seconds. Then you tried getting out of its arms and running away. But it gripped on you hard. You felt it's claws go through your skin, which felt painful. The creature quickly took its claws out of your skin upon realizing and then it started walking you to the cafeteria. You and the creature arrived at the cafeteria and found a table and sat down. You and the creature stared for a bit until the creature said something. "Human. Hi." You didn't really know what to say, so you just said. "Hello." In a awkward tone. A conekat brought you and the panther some drinks and looked at you with a smirk then walked away. You looked back at the panther then at the drink. The drink was a creamy,pink liquid. Panther drank it and gave me a thumbs up. You slowly picked the drink up and took a small sip. You immediately spat it out. It tasted gross."Gahhhh!" You screamed in disgust. You weren't sure what it was. But it was disgusting for sure!. Panther grabbed a tissue box and gave it to you. You used the tissues to get every piece of that ...juice off of you. "Panther thought it was good. But you didn't? What was this? A gootraxian drink?" You thought to yourself. You and panther walked out of the cafeteria and went to the garden and saw Plantix and a another human. "Hello panther! How are you?" Plantix said in a energetic voice. "Hi.." Panther and you sat under a tree watching Plantix and the other human play. You took out your phone and tried to call your friend but there was no wifi connections at the moment. You put away your phone and looked at panther. Panther went to a room then came out holding a blanket. The panther sat beside you again and wrapped The blanket around you and them. Plantix knew panther took one of his blankets but he doesn't mind. The other Human walked up to you and panther and sat beside you. "Hey. Where's the others?" You looked at the other human in silence. "I don't know...Probably somewhere else in the facility." The other human took out a map of the facility and gave it to you. You looked at the map. Apparently there was a another facility near us that was basically in the same condition and problem like our facility. You noticed a room you've never seen before on the map of our facility. It was a medium sized room that was labeled as "The blue forest". You asked the other human about the room. They didn't know about it either. "Hey Plantix! What's the "Blue forest"?" The other human asked Plantix. Plantix walked over and took a look at the map. "I haven't heard that term in years.. They've closed off the forest ages ago but this is a old map that isn't updated." Plantix put the map away. "Can we go there?" You asked nervously. "Not sure.. we could try, though." You were excited to see the forest, but was also scared. You, the other human, Plantix and panther all gathered up and took the map and followed the directions to the "Blue Forest". You and the others eventually reached a metal door that had a bunch of notes on it saying things like "Don't enter!" "Dangerous!" "Closed." "Blue mist". Everyone was confused and nervous. Panther sharpened their claws then stabbed them through the metal door and made a dent in it. You could smell a strange scent coming from inside. It smelled..good..?. The other human elbowed you. "What's that smell?" They whispered in your ear. "I don't know." You whispered back. After many attempts. Panther made a hole that was big enough to fit everyone. You and the others quickly got in. Plantix picked up the metal that used to be where the hole was and covered the hole and put on tape. The room smelled weird.. You didn't complain though. The floor was a soft texture and was blue. The walls were a light brown and covered in blue goo. There were a lot of blue trees. There were lots of broken things on the floor and even a broken pup mask. When you and the others were walking through the strange forest. You saw a strange looking mask on the ground. It wasn't like any other mask in the facility. It was a dark blue and was cracked. It looked like a gas mask. But way stranger and weirder. You picked up the mask. "Hey guys look what I found." You showed them the mask. Panther stared at it and pat your head then took it and put it on. Nothing happened. Probably was a broken gas mask. You and the others heard a loud BANG come from one of the vents. You jumped into panthers arms in horror. "Oh my god jay shut the hell up and be quiet, someone could hear us." You and the others heard a voice coming from the vents. "Not my fault this place is so tight." You and the others just stood there. Panther was holding you in their arms and blushed a little. Panther put you down and you and the others continued walking. Plantix picked up a blue apple that he found on the ground and showed it to us. We then heard faint crying coming from somewhere near. Plantix dropped the apple and we went to find where the crying was from. You hugged panther because you were scared. You and the others found who the crying was from. It was from a blue creature crying in the corner. Plantix walked up slowly to the creature and touched their shoulder. "Hey...are you alright?" Plantix said in a soft voice. The blue creature looked at us in disbelief. "W-who are you..are you..like me..?" The creature said while crying a bit still. "Well..What are you?" Plantix sat beside the creature. "I-I..am..I..g..gootraxian...?" The creature said in a worried tone. Plantix looked at you and the others then turned back at the creature. "What species are you.. I never found something like you before." Plantix said in a calm voice. "I..i am..Blue...wolf?..Apple.." The creature looked down at its paws. A second later. The lights went out. It was pitch black. "AAAAAAAA" The other human screamed. "Shhhhhh!" Plantix shushed the other human. I just stared at panther. They stared at me back. A loud CRASH was heard above us. You and the others saw someone fall out of the vents. "OWWWW JAY-" You stared at them. Panther picked you up and you and panther went to a  tree to sit down. The others were going to talk with Jay and Kate. You sat down beside panther and held their hand. You really didn't want a relationship with a literal gootraxian. But nobody really likes you anyways. It's really just panther and your friends. You moved a bit closer to panther and laid your head on their shoulder. Their soft fur pressed against your cheek. You thought panther as a best friend. Panther and you just sat beside each other under a tree and soon fell asleep.

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