♦️ SE14 - Mindless Hats

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Requested by Esther_isthinking

Phrase: "I love Gamer Weed." 

Pair: Fed and Jammer + Cameo Pairings


Anyways............enjoy this shit I guess!

(short sorry)

Fed scoffed as he cleaned him self up sheepishly. It was barely even fading into the afternoon and today already has been rough as hell. People loved to pick on him and make fun of him, well   I guess you could say most humans like to do that to every Gootraxian...literally the only ones that don't are the nice ones and chill ones...and sub types of those two...

"Oh there you are!" A male sounding high voice yelled from afar. Fed simply didn't care to even turn around and see who that was, thinking that the voice wasn't even referring to him.  As he began to grab and pick up his things, a fluffy individual ran into him, dropping his things and groaning upon impact. 

"Hi Fed!" Jammer cheerfully yelled as he hugged Fed. Fed smiled, trying not to appear so much as a grumpy creature. "Oh.." He began, trying to find the right words, "Hello Jammer, it's nice to see you in such a bright mood..Can you please..not run into me though?" Fed said, trying to appear nice. Jammer was confused, seeing Fed in a grumpy mood was not normal, but he just assumed it was due to stress, which is normal.  "Oh..Sorry.." 

The fedora hatted creature bent down to grab his things again, scrambling to get his stuff. Jammer tried to collect himself again and fixed his posture, trying not to be as energetic, which was hard. "Sorry Fed...for annoying you.." Jammer said, sweating as he thought Fed would just hate him. Fed stared at the smaller creature after he finished picking up his things, silence covered the room, the only sound hearable was the bushy grass flowing through the calm breeze in the facility. 

"Hmph.." Fed scoffed, "It's alright." The black furred wolf flicked the tip of its hat, strolling off without warning. Jammer shrugged, as he didn't mind, after all he would see him again later. 


At The "Crystal Caves" Shop of Food


"FUCK!" Nightcrawler screamed out of frustration at sprinklekit. "YOU BURNED MY FUCKING HANDDDD SPRINKLESHITSsssss!"

"Sorry sir- i didn't mean too-" Sprinklekit was cut off when nightcrawler punched him in the stomach "AAE" Sprinklekit screeched in pain as he was pushed back. "ALL YOU DO IS BE USELESS, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" Nightcrawler yelled at sprinklekit, sprinklekit slightly tearing up.

"Ohh..WHats going on over there?" Plantix whispered to Figs, as he hid behind a wall, peaking out and looking at the 2. The insect like gootraxian just looked concerned, emotionless even. "I'm not sure, they look a bit angry though." 

Alongside the cargo bay..

"Hey Fed, where's that one fuzzy jacket that a human gave me? I put it somewhere around here."  Shade said as he scouted around for a fluffy-furry like black coat. Fed flicked the top of his fedora, turning around and scratching his head. "I don't know..maybe you can check the garden? Plantix tends to collect things he finds sometimes-..." 

Shade muttered a small, negative sounding noise. "Are you serious?!!? I told plantix the other week to stop taking my stuff!" Shade retorted.  "..Well that sucks for you..." Fed mumbled in a quiet tone to himself, honestly not feeling bad for shade at all, strolling off without warning. 

Fed sighed as he entered the crystal caves. The bright blue, glowing crystals loomed in the horizon. A soft blue mist covered the surrounding area from above, showing off the cave as a cozy slight blue tinted , such chill place. 

"How are you?" A failed offspring of a Nightcrawler and Panther appeared, hanging down from the ceiling of the cave. Fed jumped back and banged his head onto a rock without knowledge of the rock being there. "Did i scare you?" The weird nightcrawler and panther hybrid asked, or "Nighther". "YES YOU FUCKING DID!!" Fed screamed, trying to swipe his eyes away from the horrifying hybrid.

"Sorr-" The nighther was knocked out of the way, stumbling itself onto the ground as something else sped right by. "Guh??" Fed looked around. The...weird offspring of a nightcrawler and a panther was gone..Well thats good for sure!

"Hhhheeeyyyyyyyy Fed!" Jammer said, walking his way to fed while holding a jar of unknown things, sheepishly fumbling as held. 

"Oh what does this weirdo want..."

"Ah, Hey jammer...What do you need?" Fed asked awkwardly, rubbing off all the small rocks that got mixed in his fur. "Wasn't it cool how i SSSSPEEEEDDDDDDDEDDDD my way through that gguuuy???" Jammer said in a woozy tone. His eyes looked a bit red, as he struggled to even stand up straight. "Are you on..uhh...weird candy or something?" Fed questioned, as he was also curious of what Jammer was carrying in that...jar..

(A/N: I was cringing so hard when i wrote that...dirty minded people get out pls..... /j)

"What do you mean? im COMPLETELY fine! A purple looking fashui gave me this jar of sweets..They taste a bit SWAG." Jammer said sheepishly as he surely did struggle to stand up, almost falling onto Fed. Fed stood up roughly and shook off all the dust and dirt hidden deep in his furs.  "Jammer. You're high, you should take a rest." Fed suggested, helping jammer not fall onto the ground.

"Come on, i'll bring you to plantix and he can make you some sweet tea."

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