💜 SE12 - Sinox X Nightcrawler

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not a request..just something I wrote for fun..

sorry that these take so fucking long it's just my motivation to write has been gone for the past days and weeks (stress on top of that as well)

(probably one of the longest things I've ever wrote)


(Angsty warning)

Sinox was always one of the nicest in the facility, basically being the caretaker of pups and also loving them. Sinox is also rather nice to all the gootrax, helping them whenever they need help. Though, there has been one person sinox has hated, and that is..nightcrawler..the goggled lizard that is very aggressive, but perhaps could be nice at times..Sinox really hasn't realized that though. Living being such a high level of kindness and basically having your job as a caretaker effects your status a lot huh?

Recently, Sinox has been acting a bit weird, glaring at nightcrawler whenever he passed by, and lately has been thinking a lot about nightcrawler, mostly negative but has been positive at times.. he has also been rather visiting the pool a lot more, luckily, the sharks do not mind his occasional visits and welcomes him, especially kawaii shark. Though, he's been quite the quiet type, and only talks when he needs to or when someone else sparks up a conversation with him first. 

The sharks have always liked Sinox, even lantern shark does, though he does not like Sinox as much as the others.. Though, lantern shark has been noticing that Sinox has been talking about nightcrawler a lot when he was alone with Sinox. Lantern shark thought it was just admiration at first but he's starting to think of it as something else.. 

The ever so loving Sinox still loved his job as a pup caretaker, since it usually was fun and the pups were mostly playful and energetic...but now that nightcrawler has been stuck on his mind, he's been getting quite distracted while babysitting the pups, spacing out a lot more than usual. 

Nightcrawler, the aggressive, rough lizard that was always focused on beating up humans, could have a soft side at times, though, that's only when he's calm..or just miserable. Nightcrawler has yet not be aware of Sinox, nightcrawler has never really had a opinion on sinox, but now that he sees him more, he's starting to grow one, but chances are it won't be positive. 

At this moment, Sinox was taking care of the pups, on the pool floor with some of the sharks accompanying him and even helping him babysit the pups. The pups on the other hand, were very energetic and adorable. Some of them roamed around the pool floor, some of them stayed close to Sinox and the sharks, or just some of them were just straight up sleeping. 

"So..is taking care of pups fun?" Kawaii shark asked, having a curious look on her face. Sinox smiled, appearing happy that she asked. "It's nice, I dearly do actually like it! Though, sometimes the pups can get a bit wild." Sinox said, in a positive tone, as there was a bunch of pups around him. 

Suddenly, a round of splashing was heard from the pool, a human dashed through the pool, stumbling as they ran up the stairs in a panic, getting their way into the garden. Sinox and the others was clueless on what was happening, until he noticed a purple glow in the distance, seems like nightcrawler was prey hunting again. The grey lizard ran through the pool at high speeds, busting into the garden, chasing the human. Sinox took a few looks at the lizard when it came close to the four, seeing its beautiful tail flow through the wind, while it ran through. 

Lantern shark stared at Sinox, quite mostly knowing wtf he was staring at a few seconds ago. The other sharks didn't care, paying attention to the pups more, as the sharks played with the pups, using the toys Sinox gave them. "What was all of that about..dude?" Lantern shark whispered in Sinox's ear, having a "I know what you are on" expression on his face. 

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