💜💙 SE11 - Jammershade (pt 4)

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holy fucking shit ....


(listening to sans fangirl compilations give me motivation to write)



The gloomy skies laid amongst the facility, white crystals glowed of bright lights, foggy and dark atmospheres that are very void like, several gootrax roamed around the facility, attacking humans, hiding, or minding their own business. As the blackout continued on, more silence came.


Nightshade POV

Me and jammer ran through the darkness, our accompanying glow helped us find our path. Eventually getting to the balcony, seeing some booger rabbits roaming around. Jammer jumped onto the shelf, climbing up. As I followed, Jammer accidentally kicked me in the face, knocking him off.

"Ow wtf..." I mumbled to myself, as I got up and climbing back up on the shelf.

Jammer was already up to the secret room by the time nightshade was on the shelf, humans were near, so I rushed up, hopping onto the invisible ladder and climbing up the fastest i could. 

It was much less foggy up here, but still dark. As I walked around, it was pretty cozy in here. There was a couch, a fireplace, and also some tables n stuff, and soft bean bags under the staircases...and bottle shelves..and..oh I think I'm thinking too much.

Suddenly, it got brighter, as a power on sound echoed through the facility, following a beeping sound. I looked at jammer, and he looked at me. The light fog cleared up, showing the rooms full appearance. 

I grasped onto jammers tuft of fur, pulling myself closer to him, as my neon purple eyes met his light blue eyes. I blinked in silence, before making a move. I kissed jammer straight on the lips, as It didn't feel too bad, it still seemed weird due to the fact I don't kiss people much. 

I saw jammer blush a bright red, wagging his tail a lot. I heard footsteps nearby, only to see catte witnessing this. 

"Caught in 4k bozo" Catte took out a camera out of nowhere and took a picture of us, dashing out after he took it. 

I pulled away from jammer, about to chase after catte, but jammer grabbed me and kicked me in the leg. 

"Do not." Jammer glared at me, giving me a death stare. 

"But-" Jammer just cut me off, slightly perking up his ears. 

Jammer pulled me onto one of the couches, sitting next to him. We just sat there for a while, doing nothing really. I saw 2 gootrax walk in, one being a Sinox and the other being a panther. A group of humans dashed in, beating the shit out of the 2. Me and jammer slid our ways out, jumping off and falling on our faces, quickly getting up bc we didn't want to be slaughtered by humans. 

I unintentionally kicked a pup while running with jammer, blasting itself into a wall and splattering goo, i was disgusted at the sight of pup goo, cause I dislike pups, and they smell bad. As I rushed through the facility with jammer, I saw many humans around the spawn, and some pups and gootraxians too. This facility smelled ass but I was used to the smell. 

Me and jammer arrived at the garden, huh that was fast... We saw Plantix and..Sprinklekit?...

"Hi Sprinklekit!"Jammers cheerful voice said, running at Sprinklekit, hugging them.

"Guh— Oh hi Jammer..long time no see.."  Sprinklekit pat jammer on the back, as I watched from afar.

I walked up to Plantix to see what he was doing, he was doodling in some kind of sketchbook. I sat down beside him and looked at the sketchbook. I saw him doodling a lot of stuff, Himself,ships,pups, flowers,landscapes,various gootrax...a lot of stuff. 

Plantix noticed me and slightly pushed me away from him, making signs of he was a bit uncomfortable. 

The green one continued to draw in the sketchbook, as well as writing down some words, that nightshade didn't care to try and read.

I stood up and walked towards jammer and Sprinklekit. Sprinklekit was gathering some flowers and jammer was admiring himself. 

I mean, why wouldn't he? He's pretty attractive anyways..

"Hey dude, wanna chat about shit?" I elbowed jammer lightly, him shifting his head to me immediately, looking at me with a glare.

"..fine" Jammer gave a not so nice look at me, bringing me onto the ground, sitting beside each other. The soft, silky grass brushed against our paws, as we placed our paws on it. "What do you want to talk about, jammy boy?" Jammers voice sounded deep and had a bit of lust in it, making it seem like he wasn't just a total mood a few seconds ago. 

"Video games?" I said with a smug look on my face, thinking of the most bizarre things in my head. Jammer laughed, pushing against me. "Yeah sure bro! What kind of video games you wanna talk about?" Jammer leaned against my shoulder, resting his head on it. 

We chatted about random video games we played, like that one kaiju paradise game thedian made and let us play it on some random humans phone that he stole, or that one time shork was actually nice to us and let us play Kaijucraft on his goophone.

Suddenly. A conekat crashed down from the ceiling, falling down in a patch of grass, staining a bit of the grass with gooey ice cream.

We all glanced at the conekat, until jammer yelled out, pointing at it. "DUDE BRIAN WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" The conekat twitched, laying on the ground. I took a look at the hole in the ceiling, that was spewing out gusts of cold wind, flowing around in the air, then back at the conekats body, which was..weird.

"What the fuck..." Sprinklekit dropped the flowers, glaring at the conekat in horror, like they were looking in the mirror. 

The conekat propped itself up using its arms, revealing glowing, purple eyes with strange yellow pupils. It dashed out of the garden, running into the door and making a hole in it, speeding into who knows where. Plantix stared at the broken door, looking like he was about to lose his shit.

"agh..not MORE work to do! My plans were just to chill out today..have a break for once..not the everyday stress maker." Plantix screamed into his arms, muffling them. Sprinklekit slid over to Plantix, and tried to comfort him. While me and jammer, sat in a corner, questioning what just happened.

I turned my head, glancing down at the green grass, feeling like I just failed the simplest thing ever. 

Jammer POV

I looked at Plantix and Sprinklekit, then back at my bf, nightshade. He was sitting with his legs tucked in, holding them as he looked down, not making eye contact with me. 

Having a stressed out expression on my face, I tried to comfort nightshade, scooting a bit closer to him, poking him lightly. 

"Yo are you alright man?.." I looked at nightshade, worrying for him. He didn't respond, as I heard the heavy breathing coming from him, I just..didn't know what to feel..

I got the closest to nightshade as I can, reaching in for a hug and hugging him, wrapping my arms around him softly. Nightshade raised his head, sitting down flat. He glanced and smiled at me, wrapping his arms around me shortly after, falling into a nice little hug.


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