🖤💜 SE6 - Nightcrawler X Human!reader

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Clawed and held..

Do NOT ask why I'm genuinely  doing this. A friend that simps for Nightcrawler asked me to make a Nightcrawler x reader fanfic. So here we are lmfao...Also I don't blame her cause Nightcrawler is kinda...😳


Here we fucking go.

(Kinda angsty, or just has a rather, saddened plot.)

Nightcrawler POV

Haha that's the bit! The bit where's it's funny! That actually doesn't exist. Please don't believe me.

Today I've killed..what? 30+ humans today? Quite a normal schedule if you ask me.

Ooh wait is the ice cream machine working today? I wanna make my own custom ice cream.

Well I hope so, or I'll have to beat that ConeKats ass again..what was his name? Brian? Yeah I'll kick his ass.

Hold on, I think I'm having a vision again..am I..

I'm talking to myself, and I don't feel awake at the moment.

A human fucking bombed me earlier, the last thing I remembered was someone carrying me.

Strange huh, yeah I know. Out of all people why me? To carry?

I'm so ignorant and selfish and— self absorbed!..Why would anyone care about me?! 

Maybe they're trying to earn their trust for their advantage..

Or..well..I don't know man, I just wanna get back to my rampage.

Ooh wait hold on is that light I see?!


Ah- What?

Where am I. 

Where's all the fighting n stuff.

Maybe that should be the last thing I have to worry about right now..

I groaned, lifting myself up, putting my hand on my knee. 

I looked around, I was on the balcony huh? Jeez why am I here? I hate the stupid booger rabbits!

Better get myself some candy after this from Lang. 

I adjusted my goggles a bit, since they were a bit loose. I admired myself, since I was so cooool...right?

Hey is that a human I seeeee? 

Ooh I should attack it!

I dashed at the human, pushing it back and ragdolling it. I blinked and gazed at the human, they looked..Weird. Literally like every other human I've marvellously slaughtered. This one was a bit different, though.

I heard the human let out a loud groan, "My arm.." the human held onto its arm, laying on the ground curling up like a ball.

That's some pretty good acting!

Since I am so ignorant and heartless, I will not help them!

Yeah that's the right thing to do, Nightcrawler!

I smiled while glaring at the human, on the ground, partly bleeding. I just sharpened my claws while doing so, the human continued to lay down, dripping a lot of blood.

Ooh— Ooh I know what to do!

I walked up to the human, lightly kicking their back.

"Mmm..How about you stop being useless and get up?" I put my hands behind my back, grinning. 

The human weakly rolled around, more blood spewing out from the wound in the doing of so.

"W—What?" The human squinted their eyes, having a worried like face. 

I merely grossed out at the sight of the blood, almost wanting to back away. But I chose not to, getting closer actually.

I stood menacingly above the human, the human just looked confused— and worried. 

Well I've never picked up a human..neither a goo..But I'll start out with a human why don't I?

I crouched down, attaching eye contact with the human. I slipped my paws under the human and lifted them up in a princess carry like position. 

Blood dripped onto my paws, but that didn't make me drop the human. The human glared at me with a confused expression, as well as a slight grossed out look. I ran around with the human, the human held on for dear life, implanting their head into my neck.

I jumped around, pushing every being in my way. It was like in those video games! You had to jump and run around to collect currency and items, as well do obstacles.

I adjusted my goggles again, since they kept becoming wobbly and unsteady. I stopped running when I reached the garden.

"Get off." I bucked off the human, making them fall onto the ground. 

Reader/Human POV

I fell onto the ground, I shared eye contact with the Nightcrawler, it looked very menacing..

I covered my wound and carefully got up, blood got onto my hands, worrying me even more.

The Nightcrawler just glanced at me. It looked like it wanted to kill me.

"Please don't kill me.." I looked at the Nightcrawler. It stared at me, unmoving.

As I thought it was going to kill me, I would just accept my fate at that point. But that is not what I got, instead the Nightcrawler fell pity and..helped me.. It wrapped some kind of bandage around the wound. The bandage was very uncomfortable, but I tried to ignore that.

"What.." I shuddered. I backed away from the Nightcrawler, trying to not have eye contact with it.

A carneline and buck suddenly walked in, wearing pretty flower crowns and talking about something.. The buck glanced at you. "Nice outfit." The buck said, before leaving with carneline.

"Hey wa—" Nightcrawler shushed you, you looked down, and gazed at the spiky, soft grass. It brushed against your shoes. You turned to Nightcrawler, glaring at it. 

You shifted your head to the opposite direction, ignoring every one of the Nightcrawlers tries to get your attention. 

I should really be with my human friends..not here.

You thought to yourself, tears started to gather up in your eyes, despite trying to cover them, you just couldn't.

The Nightcrawler just looked mad, but also looking like it had some kind of sympathy.

You just sat there, thinking about..things...

"Hey—" The Nightcrawler reached out to you, getting a bit closer.

It pulled you into a hug, surprisingly, none of its goo spread all over you. The wound still hurt, you grunted, the wound let out a sharp pain through your body.

The Nightcrawler sighed, letting go of you. "I'll go." Before you could say anything, it went for the door.

Before it left the room, it let out a light, saddened down voice. "You're a very nice human, unlike every other one I have met, y'know..Although this does not mean I will not forgive humanity..I'll still appreciate you." The door slid open, the Nightcrawler walked out, to somewhere..

You watched the Nightcrawler walk out, hearing it's footsteps get quieter and quieter..until you couldn't hear them anymore.

You rolled down on the ground, facing to the ceiling. You laid down on the grass, it brushed against your limbs and head. Letting out a huge siiigh..you thought about that Nightcrawler..It was not like any other nc you've seen. Yes, it was ignorant at first..but now..it seems soft?

You rested your head against a wall, looking around at your surroundings. Soon, you'll get back to being a normal human. 


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