Chapter 6

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"Hey, what's going through that head of yours and please do not say anything corny." Iris said to her boyfriend that night as they settled into their loft and she noticed how deep in thought Barry was.

"Just thinking about what a close call we had and I'm not talking about Thawne." Barry said.

"You're talking about Crisis." Iris realized and Barry nodded.

"We were barely able to stop the Anti Monitor and considering the fact that both Oliver and the Monitor are still alive, I'm not convinced that the Anti Monitor is truly down for the count." Barry said.

"So, you stopped him before, you'll do it again." Iris said.

"Maybe, but honestly, that was way too close of a call. We need a bigger team. Like the kind of team we have during a crossover." Barry said.

"And you'll have that like you always have." Iris said.

"Maybe, but I'm also thinking we should form an official team. Before it was always just we call when we need backup, but maybe on this earth, we should start being a bit more prepared by actually making an official team." Barry said.

"That's not a bad idea." Iris said, however, before Barry could respond his phone rang and he was surprised to see it was his stepmom.

"Tina, what's going on?" Barry asked.

"Barry, your father's been kidnapped and honestly, it looked like the kidnapper was a lot like what you described as the thing that killed your mother." Tina said in a panic and Barry felt his blood boil with rage.

"Okay Tina, call Joe, get someplace safe and tell the CCPD everything. I'll be over there as soon as I can." Barry said as he finished calming her down and hung up.

"What's going on?" Iris asked.

"Thawne abducted my dad. Taking my mother and my daughter from me wasn't enough. Now he has to try and be like Zoom and take my father from me too. But I'm not going to let that happen again." Barry said angrily as before Iris could stop him, Barry sped out of the loft, leaving Iris to pull out her phone and call Cisco.

"Cisco, please tell me you have Barry's suit ready?" Iris said.

"I just finished it, why?" Cisco asked.

"Because Thawne just pulled a Zoom." Iris said.

"Wait, he kidnapped Barry's dad?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah. And since Barry just sped out of the loft, I think you should make sure that he has his suit before he goes after Thawne." Iris said.

"I'm on it. I'll also start using the satellite to search for both Thawne and Henry." Cisco said, right as Barry sped up into the Cortex in front of him.

"No need, I think I already know where Thawne took my dad, I just need my suit." Barry said and Cisco nodded as he tossed Barry his flash ring.

"Damn you're fast." Barry said and Cisco grinned.

"Go, I'll be on comms and let me know if you need any help. My suit's almost ready." Cisco said and Barry nodded as he activated the ring, though he was surprised when instead of shooting out of the ring and needing to run into it at superspeed like before, now the suit materialized from the ring in a manner to his cowl had.

"Nice upgrade." Flash said with a grin before he sped out of the building.

Henry Allen was very confused as he shoved to the floor of the living room of his old house, since after he'd married Tina, he and Barry had moved in with her.

However, he was more concerned with the man who'd kidnapped him.

"You're the man who killed my wife. The one Barry said he saw. You're the man in the yellow suit." Henry said as he looked up at his captor, who was indeed wearing a yellow suit, though his face was vibrating.

"You're right about that. And this is sacred space. I'm not sure if you realize this, but this is the same place I killed your wife at." the man in yellow asked.

"Why are you doing this? What did we ever do to you?" Henry asked.

"You have no idea what your son has become. And you'd better hope that he shows up soon, since I'm not a very patient man." the man in yellow said.

"What do you want with my son?" Henry asked, right as he heard a crackle of lightning and turned to see a man who looked very familiar wearing a bright red suit with gold boots and gold piping running across it like lightning, along with a flat white circle on the chest with gold lightning in the center of his chest standing there.

"Why don't you ask him yourself." the man in yellow asked as Henry realized why the man in red looked familiar.

"Barry?" Henry asked.

"Hey dad, sorry you had to find out like this. But Thawne, let him go." Flash said angrily.

"You really think that you can stop me? After all, you couldn't stop me from killing your mother. And now your father will suffer the same fate." the man, Thawne, said.

"You're forgetting one thing. This time there is no younger me here to save." Flash said as before Thawne could say anything, the Flash sped forward and lightning punched Thawne away from his father.

"Let's get you out of here." Flash said as he grabbed his father and sped out of there.

"You're not getting away from me Barry." Thawne said as he ran after them.

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