Chapter 17

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Okay, first off, major spoiler for the newest episode of the Flash, but I feel it necessary to do this. Frost is gone, but at least she died fulfilling her purpose and saved her sister's life. May she rest in peace at that and may she never be forgotten. I can promise you now that she will not be dying in my story. It does seem like a shame that her life ended just when she was starting to live it. But she will never be forgotten.

"Joe, please tell me CCPD is still stationed outside?" Barry asked Joe, since they'd originally planned to use this galley exhibit as a chance to catch Snart and Rory.

"Yeah, but I think we're going to need to change the plan now." Joe said and Barry nodded.

"Have the cops clear the civilians out of here. We'll deal with Icicle and before you ask, no, I don't know why he's not in his prison at the north pole, but we'll worry about that when he's not an immediate threat." Barry said and Joe nodded in agreement as he pulled his phone out of his suit pocket and sent a message to the leader of the strike team that was assembled outside and told him that the plan had changed and that a meta had shown up and they needed to get civilians to safety.

"Okay, we should be good on that front, go find a place for an outfit change." Joe said and Barry nodded as he slid his Flash ring onto his hand before ducking out of the room.

"What, no hug for your long lost father?" Icicle asked Crystal and Caitlin.

"We're trying to figure out how the hell you're still alive. I thought you died years ago." Caitlin said.

"We both did." Crystal said while trying to get Lisa to get to cover.

"No, you see, instead of facing death, Thomas Snow chose to create me in order to save his own skin. A means of freezing his ALS. Unfortunately for him, while he did stop his ALS, it had an unforeseen side effect." Icicle said.

"You're not our father. You're a monster that took him over." Caitlin said, her anger at Icicle for taking her dad away resurfacing at seeing him again.

"Very good Caity, you always were the smart one. Though not the useful one." Icicle said as he turned his gaze to Crystal.

"My daughter, my precious girl. I watched as Thomas gave you the same treatment he gave himself to stop ALS from affecting you, though despite my best efforts to stop him, Thomas made some changes to the process that meant you wouldn't have an ice persona. Just the power that came with it." Icicle said.

"You're delusional." Crystal said as she felt Lisa look at her.

"Come on, show me that I'm right. You're meant for more than just being some tacky artist. You and I together, we can make this city our kingdom." Icicle said.

"I don't want that. I already have everything I could ever want in my life." Crystal said.

"Really, well maybe I can fix that." Icicle said as he held up his hands and ice blasted, but it didn't hit her, but Crystal's heart dropped when she heard Lisa scream in pain as she turned to see her girlfriend be sent flying into a wall and knocked out cold.

"That was a mistake." Crystal said angrily as she watched CCPD evacuate the last of the civilians, so the only people left were her, Icicle, Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, Iris, Ralph, Cecille and of course Lisa, though she knew that Barry had only left to suit up.

"Really, and why is that?" Icicle asked.

"Because now I have no reason to hold back." Crystal said as her eyes turned from blue to silver before she ice blasted her father.

"There she is. That's my girl." Icicle said.

"I am not and I will never be your girl. So just give up now and give me back my father." Crystal said.

"Or just give up and die. I'm good either way." A new voice said and they were all shocked to see Leonard Snart and Mick Rory, both of them dressed as Captain Cold and Heat wave respectively, walk in, guns ready.

"Who are you?" Icicle asked.

"I'm the brother of the woman you just tried to kill. And no one gets to mess with my family but me." Snart said and Crystal couldn't help but smile a bit, since that meant that they were right, Snart still cared about his sister, at least a little bit.

"You really think your toys will hurt me?" Icicle asked.

"Mine, not really. My friend though. Crystal, how attached are you to this place?" Snart asked.

"It's fully insured. But if you burn that painting of your sister, I will kill you." Crystal said.

"I'd rather it burn than my real sister." Snart said.

"Fair point. Just make sure you can reign him in." Crystal said and Snart grinned.

"Mick, melt this ice pop." Snart said.

"Gladly." Mick said as he aimed and fired his heat gun at Icicle, who barely managed to ice blast in time, though clearly, this was one fight where fire one.

"What's the matter, can't take the heat?" Mick shouted in glee as the Flash sped in.

"Of course, now he decides to do something good." Flash said.

"Get Lisa to a hospital." Crystal said as Flash noticed the unconscious Snart sibling before nodding and grabbing her and speeding out of there, returning shortly later, before he came to a stop by throwing a lightning bolt at a currently distracted Icicle, sending him flying back as Mick stopped firing, mainly because the Flash would not hesitate to throw another lightning bolt at him.

"Flash." Snart said, only to have his weapon stolen and his hands cuffed at super speed.

"I thought you'd see that coming Snart. But I will give you some leeway for helping with this." Flash said as he turned his attention back to Icicle.

"This isn't over." Icicle said.

"Yes, it is. Give up and give me back my father." Crystal said as her eyes went back to normal.

"Not going to happen. And like I said, this isn't over. Until we meet again." Icicle said as he dissolved in an icy mist to escape.

"So, what now?" Caitlin asked as Flash then proceeded to cuff Rory as well.

"Leonard Snart and Mick Rory, you are both under arrest for a list of crimes too numerous to name. However, considering the fact that you both helped save lives tonight, you might get some leniency." Joe said as he and Ralph moved to arrest them.

"You just had to be a good brother." MIck said as he tried to break free, but sadly for him, Ralph was the one who'd arrested him.

"I'd like to request to be able to visit my sister in the hospital before I go to Iron Heights. I owe her a conversation." Snart said.

"I'll see what I can do." Joe said, since he knew that what Snart was asking wasn't unreasonable and he also knew that there was some kind of somewhat decent man inside him as he and Ralph led Snart and Rory out of the building.

"So, what do we do with them?" Cisco asked Barry.

"I'm gonna call Sara, let her know where she can find them and let them be her problem." Barry said and Cisco nodded in agreement.

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