Chapter 14

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Does anyone else think that Iris's time sickness might be how the Flash is planning on writing her off, since there is no word on whether or not Candice Patton has signed on for season 9 and she will be absent for a couple of episodes in season 8.

"Well, now this is a throwback." Ralph said as he met Crystal at one of their old hangouts from the old universe.

"Well, I need to ask a favor from you, though we would need to get Team Flash's approval before we did it so we don't catch them off guard." Crystal said.

"Sounds like you want to do something illegal." Ralph said.

"More like I'm hoping you'd be willing to dust off an old trick." Crystal said.

"What kind of old trick?" Ralph asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Remember how you impersonated DeVoe to clear Barry's name after he was framed?" Crystal asked.

"Yeah, why?" Ralph asked.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd be willing to do the same thing and impersonate the judge at Lisa's bail hearing to make sure that she actually gets bail and it's not denied due to her record." Crystal asked.

"You're asking me to risk a lot here. If I get caught." Ralph said.

"I know and Ralph you know I wouldn't be asking this of you if I had any other options, but I don't. You and I both know that unless Barry is able to find Snart before the hearing, there's a good chance the judge won't even grant Lisa bail and I need to make sure that she's given a fair trial and since bribery will not work, I'm going for a form legal tampering that the justice system doesn't consider a crime." Crystal said as Ralph looked at her.

"You've really got it bad for Lisa if you're asking me to do this." Ralph said.

"You were a good teacher and life coach. For the first time in my life, I know what it feels like to be in love and I can't lose her. Especially for something she didn't do." Crystal said.

"We need to talk it over with the rest of the team, since I don't want Joe or Barry to be blindsided by this." Ralph said.

"But if they agree?" Crystal asked hopefully and Ralph grinned.

"I'll do it, but it will cost you. Especially since I know you can afford it." Ralph said and Crystal laughed.

"Make sure Lisa makes bail and I'll give you however much you want." Crystal promised.

"I'll hold you to that." Ralph said and Crystal nodded, showing that she knows he will, right as both of their phones buzzed and they saw a message from Barry.

"Barry needs us at Star Labs." Ralph said, noticing that the message had been sent to the whole team.

"Yeah, apparently he found something during his investigation into Lisa." Crystal said, since even though Barry had given his two weeks notice to CCPD a couple of days ago, he'd agreed to take on Lisa's case as his last one as a CSI.

"Guess it's a good thing that this came up before he left CCPD." Ralph said and Crystal nodded.

"Let's go hear what the boss man has to say." Crystal said.

"Yeah, maybe it's a way for us to get Lisa out of prison without breaking any laws." Ralph said.

"You're no fun." Crystal said with a chuckle as they headed out.

"So, what did you find?" Crystal asked as soon as she entered the cortex and she was relieved to find that Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Iris and Cecille were already there when she and Ralph arrived, since she was not in the mood to wait for the whole team to gather if they hadn't already.

"I have good news and bad news and yes Crystal, the good news is that I found a way to prove that Lisa is innocent." Barry said to Crystal's joy.

"What kind of evidence?" Joe asked as Barry sighed.

"That's the bad news. The evidence I found was by analyzing the DNA samples found at the scene of the crime which contained traces of dark matter." Barry said.

"A meta." Caitlin said.

"Yep and Lisa has been confirmed to not be a metahuman. But that's not the worst part." Bary said.

"Then what is?" Cisco asked.

"The DNA pattern was familiar and I know why. I ran it through the CCPD database and got a hit on one Hannibal Bates." Barry said.

"Everyman." Caitlin said and Barry nodded.

"That explains how Lisa was caught on camera, Everyman shapeshifted into her. But I thought he could only do that to people he's touched, his powers aren't as advanced as J'onn's or even Ralph's." Iris said.

"I wondered that myself, so I used my CCPD security clearance to access the security cameras at Iron Heights and it turns out that a few hours before the breakout, just as Lisa was walking out from visiting Snart, she bumped into someone. I'm betting it was Bates. Snart must've somehow found out about his powers and hired him to bust him and Mick and the others out." Barry said.

"Mick I understand, but why the others?" Caitlin asked.

"My best guess, he broke Scudder, Dillon and Morillo out just so that they could keep us busy. A misdirect from whatever it is he and Mick are planning." Barry said.

"Back to what matters, have you shown this evidence to Singh yet?" Crystal asked.

"No, because it's the District Attorney who needs to approve this, which is Cecille right now." Barry said as he handed Cecille the flash drive he'd put the evidence on.

"I'll go take a look at this and once I confirm that everything checks out, I'll give you a call Crystal and we'll get Lisa out of prison with a decent settlement." Cecille said and Crystal nodded as Cecille left and Ralph sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness you know what you're doing, otherwise Crystal was going to try to have me impersonate the judge to make sure that Lisa got a fair hearing." Ralph said.

"Wait, what?" Caitlin asked her sister.

"You'd do the same thing if it were Ronnie's ass on the line. Speaking of which, when are you going to tell him about this? After all, if you're really serious about being all in with him, especially now you get a chance to have your happy ending with him, you need to tell him the truth. And before you get on my case, I will tell Lisa everything, besides the whole multiverse reborn thing, just because she doesn't need to know there was a universe she was straight in, but she and I have only been together a few months. You and Ronnie have been together for years." Crystal asked her sister.

"I will eventually, but at the same time, the last time Ronnie was involved in this world." Caitlin said.

"He died." Joe realized.

"Yeah and I'm in no rush to repeat that. I can't go through that pain again." Caitlin said.

"And you won't since for one thing, Ronnie's not Firestorm anymore and for another, I can open time portals without risking creating singularities now." Barry said.

"Still." Caitlin said.

"There's no rush Cait, you can tell him when you're good and ready." Cisco said.

"And we'll be there to support you when you do. But in the meantime, there is something else that we need to discuss." Barry said.

"And what might that be?" Joe asked.

"Relocating our base, since I talked to Tina and she said that since she spent so much money buying this facility, she wants to actually use it and personally, I agree with her, since while this place has a lot of perks, it's not exactly ideal for a secret lair considering how many times our enemies have managed to break in." Barry said.

"That's a fair point." Cisco said and Caitlin agreed.

"So, any ideas on where?" Joe asked.

"I'm actually going to talk to her about that tonight, since she did mention having an idea, but I had to finish my work before she could elaborate." Barry said.

"Well talk to her and let us know she comes up with." Iris said and Barry nodded in agreement.

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