Chapter 11

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Barry was currently walking up to the scene of the car crash that had claimed the lives of Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan in Star City about 15 years ago in this reality, since he'd checked CCPD's records before he came here and confirmed that the accident had still happened in Star City and he'd found the location.

"Okay Thawne, time to see if you were smart enough to move the evidence before you tried to kill my dad." Barry said as he opened the smoothie cup he'd brought with him and sure enough, the drink started to float out of the cup when he did, so he dug out his phone and called Cisco.

"How did Oliver like his present?" Cisco asked.

"Very much and he also gave me requests for Laurel, John and Rene and dude, make sure you give Laurel some heavy protection so we don't have to bury her again." Barry said.

"Dude, we both know that if Laurel had been wearing a suit I made for her, while that arrow might still have hurt her, it wouldn't have caused an embolism. And don't worry, I'm on it. But I'm guessing that's not why you called." Cisco said.

"No it's not. We were right, Thawne didn't bother to move Wells' body before he tried to kill my dad. It's still here." Barry said.

"Huh, I thought Thawne was supposed to be an evil genius. Leaving behind evidence that you know could be used against you, seems kind of stupid." Cisco said.

"He got impatient and got sloppy. The Thawne we originally knew never would've made a mistake like this." Barry said.

"True. But anyways, get that body back here so I can confirm it so we can put an even larger target on Thawne's back than there already is and also make sure that the name and reputation of the real Harrison Wells doesn't get dragged through the mud." Cisco said.

"Agreed." Barry said as he set down his smoothie and picked up his shovel and began digging at super speed until finally, he found what was left of the real Harrison Wells' body.

"Thawne you son of a bitch. You're gonna pay for this." Barry said as he looked down at the decayed body of Harrison Wells before steeling his nerve and picking up the body and sped out of there.

The following day was a hellstorm in Central City due to Iris using the Central City Citizen, which she already owned, to reveal the shocking truth about Harrison Wells. Specifically the fact that he was dead and had been for at least the past decade and that the man who blew up Central City was an imposter. CCPD quickly swarmed Thawne's home and Star Labs and all employees, both current and former were submitted to questioning about whether or not they were aware of this deception, including Cisco and Caitlin, but luckily, Joe had managed to pull enough strings to convince the CCPD that everyone who'd worked with Wells had been unaware they were working for an imposter, so they were cleared of any charges. Another thing that came under controversy would be what to do with Star Labs, though that had been solved real quickly by Barry's stepmother, Tina McGee, who'd bought both the company and facility, merging them into Mercury Labs. Her official reasons for doing so being that the real Harrison Wells had been her good friend and she knew that the lab was his dream and she wanted to honor his memory by making it a reality, along with also allowing the few talented scientists who still remained at Star Labs to be able to put their talents to use again. Meaning that Cisco and Caitlin now found themselves with new jobs at Mercury Labs, Cisco in their engineering department and Caitlin in their biomedical department. Suffice it to say, they were both very happy about it.

Anyways, Barry was currently standing in his lab at CCPD, working on a case, but honestly, it just didn't feel the same as it used to.

"Hey Barr." Joe said as he entered the lab, only to be surprised at the look on Barry's face.

"Hey Joe." Barry said.

"Okay, what's wrong? With everything that's going on right now, your dad being alive, Thawne on the run, literally everything is going your way. Which reminds me, why isn't there a ring on my daughter's finger yet? After all, I seem to remember that in this reality, you had the guts to ask her out in high school." Joe said and Barry chuckled.

"Things have been moving so fast, I guess I haven't gotten around to it yet and yes I'm aware of how ironic that statement is coming from me." Barry said and Joe laughed.

"Seriously though Barr, what's going on?" Joe asked.

"I don't know. I know I should be happy and most of the time I am, except when I come here." Barry said and Joe chuckled, since he was pretty sure he knew where this was going.

"Sounds like being a CSI isn't really doing it for you anymore. After all, you did what you became a CSI to do. Find out what killed your mother and prove your dad's innocence. Maybe it's time to move on." Joe said.

"Wait, what?" Barry asked.

"Barry, one thing I've always wondered is why the hell you kept this job after you cleared your dad's name. That was the whole reason you became a CSI in the first place. But now, now I think you and I both know that it's time for you to move on. After all, I seem to recall your stepmother telling you that you've always got a job with her if you want it and honestly, you should take it. Put that big brain of yours to use." Joe said.

"I don't know." Barry said.

"Barry, I know it seems scary, but that's just because it's new. Believe me, once you take that jump, you'll never regret it and this is something that's best for you." Joe said.

"You really want me to leave?" Barry asked.

"I think it's past time you did. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd miss you like crazy and so would Ralph and maybe even Captain Singh, not that he'd ever admit it, but it's what's best for you." Joe said.

"I'll need to talk it over with Iris first and make sure that offer with Tina is still good, but I have to admit, it is tempting." Barry said.

"That's because you're a scientist Barry. It's time you finally started being one for something besides crime scenes." Joe said and Barry smiled.

"Okay." Barry said as he and Joe hugged.

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