Chapter 23

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"So you've never seen your necklace do anything like this before?" Barry asked Iris as her necklace kept glowing.

"No, never. And I've had it since my mom gave it to me right before I left on my first tour. She said it would protect me, but I never believed her." Iris said, very relieved that her mom was Cecille in this universe.

"Maybe she has some answers about what's happening. Plus, we need to let the team know that Thawne has somehow recovered his full powers so they can be on full alert. We need to find out how he did it so quickly and put everyone on high alert." Barry said and Iris nodded as she tried to wrap her head around what was going on ever since she'd flung Thawne away from her boyfriend, she'd felt different like a part of her had somehow been unlocked, but she didn't know what or why. Hopefully her mom would have answers about what was happening to her, since this didn't feel like a latent meta ability activating, it felt like something else entirely.

"Wait so Thawne is somehow back to full strength?" Cisco asked after Barry told him and the rest of Team Flash about the attack at Iris's office.

"Yeah and if it weren't for Iris, he probably would've severed my speed like I nearly did to him." Barry said.

"Wait, how did you stop Thawne?" Cisco asked.

"Honestly, I'm still not sure. All I know is that when I saw him about to try and take Barry's speed away, something inside me changed and suddenly I was able to toss Thawne across my office without even touching him and my necklace started glowing." Iris said and she could tell from the look on her mom's face that Cecille knew what was going on with her.

"Mom, you know what's going on don't you?" Iris asked her and Cecille sighed and nodded.

"I have been dreading this day ever since I got the brain dump from J'onn. Yes, I know what's going on and it's something that's both incredible and dangerous." Cecille said, causing Joe to look at his wife.

"Cecille, what is going on with Iris?" Joe asked her.

"That necklace I gave Iris is not an ordinary necklace. It's the result of another change between this reality and the old one." Cecille said.

"What is it?" Iris asked.

"Iris, you were born with a gift that's greater than almost any meta power. You were born with magic." Cecille said and that was the very last thing Iris expected to hear.

"Wait, are you saying that Iris is basically going to be our version of John Constantine?" Cisco asked, since that was only a somewhat good guy magic user they knew of who had never been a villain.

"No, trust me, if the kind of magic Iris was using, I'd have done everything in my power to prevent her from discovering it. The kind of magic she can use is much more powerful, but not as dark." Cecille said.

"Wait, so I have magic?" Iris asked and Cecille nodded.

"Just like my mother did and her mother before her. It skipped a generation with me, most likely because of my metahuman gene, but anyways, for generations, the first daughters of my family have been able to harness an ancient and powerful source of cosmic magic known as the veil. It's a limitless source of energy and magical power. Honestly, it's basically the magical version of the speed force, since just like how Barry and Wally draw their power from the speed force, Iris can draw power from the veil and once she learns to control it, she'll have the potential to become one of the most powerful magic users in the universe." Cecille said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" Iris asked.

"Because I was hoping that since I didn't inherit the power of the veil that you wouldn't either, since honestly, I'm already not a fan that your brother has a connection to the speed force, but Iris, that power is dangerous and if you don't control it properly, it will destroy you, just like it did my mother. And there a lot of threats out there who would like to take that power for themselves, which will put an even larger target on your back, since right now, you are the only way to access the veil's power and if someone was able to steal that power from you, well, let's just say we'd be dealing with Crisis Part Two, worse than the original." Cecille said.

"Wait, this Veil is that powerful?" Cisco asked and Cecille nodded.

"That's why only a person who's pure of heart and spirit can naturally gain a connection to it and Joe, the reason I didn't tell you is because honestly, when I didn't inherit the power, I was hoping that meant that my family was free of it, simply because I didn't want Iris to face that kind of danger." Cecille explained and Joe nodded.

"That I can understand, but what does the necklace have to do with this?" Joe asked and Iris also looked interested about this.

"The necklace was created as a means of controlling the amount of veil energy the user can access until they learn to fully control their power. I gave Iris the necklace before she left on her air force tour of duty because I was hoping that any magic that was still in the necklace would help protect her and it did. But it looks like it will be able to fulfill its true purpose now. Which is why it's a good thing my mom still taught me how to control the power, if only so that I'd know how to teach Iris if she inherited the power. In fact, before my mom died, she sent me a lot of things that I think Iris will need." Cecille said.

"Like maybe my own suit?" Iris asked hopefully and Cecille chuckled.

"Come over to the house later tonight and I'll show you everything." Cecille said.

"Well, now that we've gotten that settled, maybe now we can focus on Thawne and the fact that he's once again our biggest problem." Cisco said, changing the topic, though he was jealous that Iris got to be a real world Harry Potter.

"On the plus side, if Thawne's speed is back to full strength, then that means that we should be able to track his negative speed force signature." Caitlin said and Barry nodded.

"Thankfully Tina gave us access not only to the Star Labs satellite, but also all of the Mercury Labs satellites. Cisco, I want you to task half of them with searching for Thawne's negative speed force signature and the other half for Icicle's cryokinetic signature. We need to find them both and now we have the resources to track them both at once." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"I'm on it." Cisco said as they continued talking and planning.

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