Chapter 21

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Does anyone else wonder why Thawne was the only speedster to have a permanent connection with the negative speed force when the positive speed force gave speed to several speedsters?

Ever since Barry had nearly severed his connection to the negative speed force, Thawne hated having to go on the defense, which for him, meant hiding out in an abandoned lab while he allowed his new underlings to do his dirty work for him while he struggled to build a machine to restore his speed to full power. The only reason it was a struggle was because he had to do so without using his powers to avoid draining them anymore than they already were, along with preventing Team Flash from tracking him, along with also having to make do with primitive 21st century technology. Even if he was able to rebuild the machine he'd used to give himself speed in the first place, he doubted it would be as effective as the original, since the tech he was using now was much more primitive than what he'd used to build the original machine.

The more he thought about this, about what Barry had done to him, the angrier he got. Something that had been happening more and more often, since he was trying to use his anger and hatred to help try to refuel his connection to the negative speed force, but no luck yet.

In fact, it was almost as if the negative speed force had forsaken him, even though he'd created it. Thawne chuckled humorlessly at the thought of being betrayed by his own creation.

You didn't create me Eobard. A new voice whispered to him, distracting him from his work.

"Who said that?" Thawne demanded as he prepared to fight.

The one who created you. The voice whispered again.

"What are you talking about?" Thawne demanded.

Come and find out. The voice said as suddenly, Thawne disappeared in a flurry of black particles.

"Where the hell am I?" Thawne asked when reappeared and found that he was in Star Labs, but it looked different, like it did back when he'd created doomworld.

"This reality doesn't exist anymore." Thawne said as he looked around.

"Well, I wanted you to feel at home." the voice said again, but this time, it was much louder and he could recognize it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Thawne demanded as he whirled around to see Eddie Thawne standing there.

"I am not actually Eddie Thawne Eobard. I am merely taking his form to communicate with you." 'Eddie' said and that was when Eobard realized who he was talking too.

"So, this is how you choose to approach me? In the form of my repulsive ancestor?" Thawne asked.

"So you know who I am?' 'Eddie' asked.

"You're the negative speed force. My creation." Thawne said.

"Wrong." the negative speed force said as it blasted Thawne with red lightning, knocking him back.

"I have always existed, just as my opposite has. Every light needs a shadow. Cosmic balance and all that." the force said.

"I didn't create you?" Thawne asked, wondering how he could've missed that.

"No, you did not. I have been watching you Thawne for a long time." the negative speed force said.

"What do you mean by watching me?" Thawne demanded.

"Do you really think it's a coincidence that you were never able to defeat Barry Allen and he was never able to defeat you?" the negative speed force asked.

"What are you saying?" Thawne asked, wishing that they'd be clear.

"I chose you to be my avatar in the physical world. A way to influence the physical world. I chose you to be my avatar after my opposite chose Barry Allen to be their avatar. Every positive needs a negative. Or at least I thought it did." the negative speed force said.

"What?" Thawne asked.

"The one good thing that came out of Barry Allen nearly cutting me off from my avatar is that it showed me that it was possible to tip the cosmic scales in my favor." the negative speed force said.

"And I care about that, why?" Thawne asked.

"Because it would finally allow you to be able to kill Barry Allen once and for all." the negative speed force said.

"And now I'm listening. You can start by restoring my speed." Thawne said, literally right before he felt his speed skyrocket to beyond what it was before.

"That should help. Especially since you're now even faster than you were before. But that is only the beginning." the negative speed force said as it told Thawne want to do and for once, he was happy to listen to someone else, since he liked what he was hearing.

"Agreed. But first, I need to let Allen know that I'm back at full power." Thawne said.

"Do whatever you want, but remember, this is your last chance. If the Flash takes your speed again, I'll have to find a new avatar. A new Reverse Flash." the negative speed force said.

"No. I am the Reverse Flash. I have devoted my life to destroying Barry Allen and no one will ever replace me. Not even you." Thawne insisted.

"Then prove it. Prove how superior you are. Prove that I was right to choose you to be my avatar. Because if you don't, I'll find someone else who can." The negative speed force said and then sent Thawne away before he could respond.

Okay, I hope you guys liked this chapter, I know it was a Thawne chapter, but honestly, it always kind of bugged me about how we never saw him speak with the negative speed force like Barry does the positive one. I hope you guys like it and trust me, while it may not seem like it, this chapter does have a real purpose and I hope that you like the direction I'm taking it in.

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