Chapter 24

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That night, Barry and Iris went over to Joe and Cecille's for dinner and so that Cecille could teach Iris about her new witch heritage. Something Iris was very excited to learn, since she'd always felt like Team Flash's weak link. The one with no real purpose on the team. She wasn't a scientist or a cop, though that one was on her dad since he wouldn't let her be a cop, and she didn't have any kind of powers. Yeah she was a good investigative reporter and that helped the Team, but still, she always felt like she was only on the Team because she was the Flash's wife, since honestly, she didn't know why she'd always told Barry that he wasn't the Flash, they were, because he was the Flash. Actually, she did know, it was her way of feeling important and like she had a real place on the team. But now, now she had her own power and it was unlike any other power Team Flash had ever had before and it felt amazing.

But anyways, she was very eager for her mom, who she was very happy was Cecille in this reality, since it meant that in this reality, she grew up with a mom in her life, something she'd always wanted in her life, but anyways, her mom was going to explain more about her inherited power and heritage, since to quote her mom, she couldn't truly use this power until she understood it and where it came from. Answers she was hoping she'd get tonight. And who knows, maybe her mom would even teach her how to use that power a little bit.

Anyways, when they arrived at Joe and Cecille's they found that Cecille had kind of already taken over the living room.

"Wow, mom, you really went all out." Iris said as she looked around at all the things her mother had set out.

"Yeah, this is literally everything my mother sent me about our family's power and history. Though I did not realize it would take up so much space." Cecille said, looking at her husband apologetically.

"It's fine, honestly, I could use Barry's help in the kitchen, since at least one of you knows how to cook." Joe said.

"Hey, excuse me for not inheriting your's or mom's cooking skills." Iris said, since that was clearly a dig at her.

"Work with your mom. Barry, with me." Joe said and Barry nodded as he followed Joe into the kitchen.

"Okay, so, let's get to work." Cecille said to her daughter as they sat down on the couch.

"Wow, these are a lot of books." Iris said as she looked around at everything.

"Yes Iris, welcome to the first part of becoming a superhero. Homework." Cecille said.

"Do I have too?" Iris asked, well aware of how immature she sounded.

"You sound like you're 12 years old doing math homework again." Cecille said.

"Can you blame me? But maybe first, you can give me a few more history lessons, since you still haven't told me how our family got this power in the first place? And what is the veil?" Iris asked her mom, who smiled.

"I promise I'll answer all of your questions. Starting with the veil, because honestly, that will probably take the longest to explain." Cecille said.

"Okay." Iris said.

"The veil is kind of like the speed force, since it is an alternate realm that only a select number of people can access and it's just as old as the speed force, if not older, since it was one of the first realms ever created. And yes, I know technically Oliver created the universe with the second big bang, he didn't create the magical realms. Those were created by someone else. As in God himself." Cecille said.

"You're kidding?" Iris asked.

"Nope. And when he created the veil, it had another name. One that most people know it by. Heaven." Cecille said.

"Wait, Heaven, as in the afterlife, where people who aren't villains go when they die? Eternal paradise?" Iris asked, trying to wrap her head around this and Cecille nodded.

"Yes, that heaven. In fact, our family was blessed with that power by an angel." Cecille said.

"You're kidding." Iris repeated.

"No. I know it's a lot to take in, but it's true. Our family was given this power back during slave times." Cecille said.

"Wait, our ancestors were slaves?" Iris asked, since while she'd always had her suspicions about that, hearing it confirmed was something else entirely.

"Yes, they were. And our family was enslaved on one of the worst plantations of all, it was owned by two bastards known as Issac Franklin and John Armfield (these are real people and it's a true fact, look it up if you don't believe me). They were the worst of the worst and everyday, like most slaves, our ancestors prayed to God and the heavens for salvation. What they weren't expecting was for the angels to answer them. The angels gave your I don't know how many times grandmother the power of heaven to use to help her people, which she did. She used it to help free the slaves from the plantation and also began using it to help fight back against slavery. However, it was always kept hidden, since magic wasn't exactly welcomed during that time period or even now." Cecille said and Iris had tears in her eyes, since now that she had a better idea of exactly what kind of legacy she was carrying on, she became even more determined to master this power and use it the same way the rest of her family had. She was going to use this power to help people in need. All people, not just people who looked like her, though she wouldn't deny a certain bias towards them, but she would help everyone who needed it.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" Iris asked.

"I didn't want to get your hopes up in case you didn't inherit the magic, but you did." Cecille said.

"So, do I get a costume or will I need Cisco to make me one?" Iris asked and Cecile chuckled.

"Yes, you will get a suit, like everyone who came before you did, but not yet." Cecille said.

"Why not?" Iris asked, not whining, more curious.

"It's tradition. You don't get your suit until after you complete your training, since the suit is a symbol of your mastery of your power and your readiness to accept the responsibility of being the Celestial." Cecille said.

"Celestial?" Iris asked and Cecille smiled.

"That's the name that all the guardians before you took when they used their power. Including my mother." Cecille said and Iris smiled.

"I like it and if Cisco has a problem with it, I'll see what I can do to him with this power." Iris said and Cecille chuckled.

"Anyways, let's get to work." Cecille said as her daughter nodded and they got to work.

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