Chapter 18

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Just a reminder, this chapter is essentially going to be picking up where the last chapter of Stargirl left off. I recommend reading chapter 18 of Stargirl in order for all this to make sense. Now on with the story.

"Cisco, what was with the red alert call?" Barry asked, as he sped into the cortex at Star Labs, since while they were looking for a new base, it was slow going, since while Tina had said that she might have something, it wasn't ready yet, so for now, they were still using Star Labs as their base. However, his question was answered when he saw Kendra lying in the medbay.

"What is Kendra doing here?" Barry asked.

"She's remembering bits and pieces of the old reality. I don't know how it happened, but something caused her to have a partial memory restoration, but it wasn't done properly, so she's only getting parts of it, she can't remember everything and trust me, the longer the wall is left breached like that, the more dangerous it'll be, since eventually her mind won't be able to process the two conflicting realities, well, let's just say it won't go well, since while her mind is used to processing memories from previous lifetimes, we also need to keep in mind that those memories could also conflict the memories of her previous incarnations from the old multiverse. That could lead to her going insane if her mind can't process all that information properly, which right now it's not." Cisco said.

"So how do we fix it?" Barry asked.

"Well, we can't undo whatever it is that started the memory reboot, so all we can do now is try to fix it, fit the reset button so the memory restoration happens properly." Cisco said.

"Should I call J'onn?" Barry asked.

"I already tried, he's busy with something in National City, but I think I might have an alternative. I've been working on this ever since he woke me up." Cisco said as he revealed a ring like device.

"What's that?" Barry asked.

"It's kind of like a handheld version of J'onn's powers. I call it a martian memory restorer, since, theoretically at least, it'll have the same effect as J'onn's powers would on anyone it touches, allowing them to remember the old reality while retaining their memories of this one." Cisco explained.

"You think it'll work?" Barry asked.

"I think it's our best shot since we can't afford to wait for J'onn. The only downside is that I haven't been able to test it on anyone yet due to the nature of this device, so we won't know any possible side effects it might have." Cisco said.

"You're sure this will save her?" Barry asked.

"I think it's our best shot at saving her. Especially since Savage found her. I'll explain later." Cisco said and before Barry could do or say anything else, Cisco walked over to Kendra and took a deep breath before he tapped it against Kendra's arm and he could see it taking effect immediately as Kendra's eye shot open.

"Feel better?" Cisco asked her.

"Yeah I am. And now I can actually make sense of all these memories. What the hell happened?" Kendra asked, happy that she now recognized Cisco.

"It's a long story." Barry said as he joined them.

"Well, maybe you can fill me in on everything." Kendra said and Barry nodded as he began to explain everything.

"So, you, Oliver, Sara and a few other people survived the end of the universe and then time traveled back to the dawn of time and triggered a second big bang, creating a new universe where in addition to the Flash and Green Arrow and the Legends, we also have Superman and Supergirl, along with a new version of the JSA." Kendra said after she and Barry finished trading stories.

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