Chapter 13

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"Detective." Lisa Snart said coldly as Joe entered the interrogation room of CCPD, a room that she was hoping that she'd never have to be in again.

"Ms. Snart." Joe said, feeling guilty that this young woman was once again in this room, though unlike every other she'd been arrested by the CCPD, Lisa was innocent.

"So, how bad does this look? I mean, considering I am being held here for a crime against my will?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah and while my partner and I both believe that, unfortunately, the evidence speaks for itself." Joe said.

"Evidence that is clearly fake because I was with my girlfriend when the breakout happened." Lisa said.

"Agreed. Believe me, I am on your side in this, but, unfortunately, the rest of the justice system is not. Your past speaks for itself and unfortunately, your alibi will not be good enough since Ms. Snow's apartment doesn't have any surveillance cameras to confirm you were there." Joe said.

"And I'm guessing that you can't take her at her word since we're involved with each other." Lisa said.

"Unfortunately." Joe said and Lisa sighed.

"When is my lawyer getting here?" Lisa asked as Cecille entered the room.

"Right now." Cecille said.

"Wait, why is the DA in here, claiming to be my lawyer?" Lisa asked.

"Because I took your case as your defense attorney, since like my husband, I also believe that you're innocent." Cecille said.

"Great, so I have the best lawyer in Central City defending me, but how much did Crystal pay you for that?" Lisa asked.

"Just my usual fee, since she is a friend of our family's." Cecille said.

"Good to know. So, what kind of time am I looking at?" Lisa asked as Cecille sat down across from her.

"Nothing good. At least 20 years with good behavior." Cecille said.

"What?" Lisa asked, since that was outrageous.

"I know, but unfortunately, your previous record as a former criminal can be used against you, plus the fact that you were at Iron Heights before the escape." Cecille said.

"What are my chances of not being found guilty?" Lisa asked.

"I wish I could tell you something better, but honestly, your only shot at being found innocent would be if whoever framed you suddenly came forward to do so." Cecille said.

"Great, so I'm likely not going to see Crystal again for 20 years. And that's if she waits for me." Lisa said.

"Hey I never it was impossible, but highly unlikely." Cecille said.

"Do you have any idea where your brother might be now? Complying with our investigation could help your case." Joe said.

"I don't know. I can give you a list of all of his hideouts here in Central City that I know of, but he likely won't go to any of those, since he'll suspect they're blown, so I don't know where else to check. He'll likely steer clear of any of his old frequenting spots, though it wouldn't hurt to check them anyway." Lisa said.

"Sounds like your brother is the kind of person who likes to overthink every angle, so it might help if we check his former hideouts just to be safe." Joe said.

"That would be underselling my brother. Only reason you caught him last time was because the one thing he didn't plan for was me finally having reached my breaking point with him, so he didn't realize I was going to sell him out." Lisa said.

"Still, it couldn't hurt to check them anyways." Joe said and Lisa nodded.

"Can you get me something to write with? I don't want to have to keep repeating myself and don't worry, I won't use the pen to escape the cuffs." Lisa said, since that would not look good for her and Joe nodded as he walked out.

"Now that is how you escape from prison in style." Mick Rory shouted in glee as he, Snart, Sam Scudder, Rosa Dillon and Jarrod Morillo entered the rendezvous location they'd previously established before the breakout had happened.

"It feels good to be free." Morillo said.

"Yes, you all played your parts to perfection." Snart said as Dillon pulled out some beers.

"Damn, you really went all out on making this place comfortable for us." Dillon said as she handed Scudder a beer.

"Ah, I've missed this. The good stuff." Scudder said as they heard someone else enter the hideout and Snart grinned as he saw what appeared to be his little sister enter the room.

"And I hope you can back up your claim that springing you all was worth the effort." 'Lisa' said.

"And here we have the man of the hour, who is responsible for our escape, Mr. Hannibal Bates." Snart said as Bates shifted to his default form.

"Okay seriously, you can take any form you want, but you go with that?" Scudder asked in disgust as Mick took a beer for himself.

"You're welcome, Scudder. But seriously Snart, we had a deal. I held up my end of the bargain. I got you out of prison and framed your sister for it, just like you wanted, now you need to pay up." Bates said.

"A deal is a deal. You'll get what we agreed on just as soon as I steal it from the government." Snart promised.

"Good. And I actually have something that'll help you do that and ensure that you don't treat me the way your old man treats his partners." Bates said, only to have Snart glare at him.

"I am not that bastard. For one thing, I'm actually a good thief." Snart said.

"True, but still, better safe than sorry." Bates said.

"What do you have?" Snart asked.

"You might be better than the cops, but right now, you can't beat the Flash." Bates said.

"So, the rumors I heard are true." Snart said.

"Yep, but luckily, I managed to snag you something that could help you level the playing field. Or at least it will, once you put it back together." Bates said as he produced a bag full of parts, along with a hard drive.

"What is this?" Snart asked.

"Apparently Star Labs created a gun that was capable of freezing an object, no matter how quickly it moved, meaning it's a viable weapon to be used against the Flash. However, the geek who invented it got cold feet and dismantled it, along with a handheld flamethrower that I thought Rory would like, since it couldn't hurt to have him owe me one too and I also paid a geek to get me the plans for the guns, since knowing you, even if I brought you the gun intact, you'd take it apart just so you could rebuild it. I saved you a step." Bates said and Snart grinned.

"How does double what we initially agreed upon sound to you? After all, if this is what you say it is, I think you've earned it." Snart said.

"Deal. Let me know when you have the money." Bates said as he walked out.

"You're really giving him double. That wasn't the deal, Snart." Scudder said, only to have a gun pointed at him.

"Says the man who can jump through mirrors and yet could not even escape a cell. Bates did the work, he earned his share, whereas you three, I'm honestly wondering why I broke you out with Mick and I at all. Consider the fact that I'm letting you live reward enough, since I made sure that there are no mirrored surfaces available for you to jump through Scudder and Dillon, you may be able to hit me, but Mick will take you down the moment you try." Snart said.

"Honestly, I just wanted out of that prison. As long as we stay out of each other's way, I'm more than happy to just stick to what we agreed on." Morillo said.

"I see that one of you has common sense. Get out of here and if you tell anyone, well, I'll need practice before I kill the Flash." Snart said Scudder, Dillon and Morillo left.

"You really trust them not to sell us out to save their own necks?" Mick asked.

"Considering the fact that they owe us for their freedom, they'll keep their mouths shut. Now come on, let's go put some new toys together." Snart said and Mick grinned when he heard that.

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