Chapter 15

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Crystal smiled as she stood outside the gate at Iron Heights to watch Lisa walk out.

"So, how does it feel to walk out of Iron Heights legally this time?" Crystal asked.

"Like those two days of my life I'm not getting back." Lisa said, still a bit grumpy.

"Well, how does a very expensive lunch at one of the nicest restaurants in Central City sound to take your mind off of it?" Crystal asked her with a smile.

"Depends, who am I eating with?" Lisa asked.

"You know I could always ask the CCPD to keep you here another night." Crystal said and Lisa laughed.

"Please, you know I'm joking. And it's a good start. Along with a very large check from city hall that keeps me from taking advantage of your very expensive lawyers to sue the city's ass." Lisa said and Crystal chuckled as she pulled something out her jacket pocket.

"DA's a friend of mine and she gave this to me when she told me the good news." Crystal said as she handed the envelope to Lisa, who opened it and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she saw how much it was a check for.

"So, I'm not as rich as you, but it's still enough money to make Lenny want to try to steal it. Typical lowlife sibling, coming to me for a handout." Lisa said and Crystal chuckled.

"Which is why you should not tell anyone else about it until it's safely deposited in the bank." Crystal said and Lisa nodded.

"Now, how about that lunch you're buying me." Lisa asked and Crystal chuckled.

"Well, I was going to buy, but considering how much you're getting, maybe you should foot the bill." Crystal said with a smile and Lisa smacked her as before wrapping her arms around Crystal and allowing herself to be led towards Crystal's car.

Snart was pissed, since this had completely ruined his plan. Lisa's exoneration had been a big story on the news.

"Looks like things didn't go according to plan." Mick said as he walked up to his partner.

"No they didn't and I don't know why. Even if the CCPD knew metas existed, how the hell did they know that Bates was the one who framed Lisa? He's been careful, kept off the radar." Snart said.

"Who cares. We've never let a setback stop us before, especially since we've got these new toys." Mick said with a grin as he held up his fully built heat gun.

"True, but I for one am interested in knowing how exactly this happened, since I ran every angle on the job before I gave Bates the go ahead and there's no way anyone could've been able to tell it wasn't him, unless they knew what to look for. And if we don't find out who the hell it is that figured it out and how they did it, all our future jobs are at risk." Snart said.

"So we blow town. Personally, I was never too attached to this city. Too many freaks with powers running around that pose a challenge." Mick said.

"We know this city better than anyone. What better place to rob than the city we grew up in." Snart said.

"Is that your desire for crime talking or your personal vendetta against your sister? Because larceny and general lack of caring about the law is one thing, but I'm not getting involved in your family squabbles." Mick said.

"Surprised you know what that word means." Snart said.

"Whatever, the point is, if you really wanted to get Lisa back for crossing us, instead of framing her, you would've just put a bullet through her skull. And honestly, see her turning tail and going soft as a good thing." Mick said.

"And why would that be a good thing?" Snart asked him.

"Because she was always the weak link. She's soft, never did have the stomach to do what it took to get the job done and as much as you want to deny it, she hated you." Mick said.

"I raised her." Snart reminded him.

"And she still hates you and if I can see that, I know you can too. I always wondered why you kept her around when things would be easier without her. She wanted out and she did what she had to do to get out. Can't fault her for that." Mick said.

"She's family Mick. I know you don't give much of a crap about that considering what you did to yours." Snart said, only to have Mick aim his gun in his face.

"Watch yourself Snart. We may be partners, but if you cross that line with me again, I'll burn you alive." Mick swore.

"Noted." Snart said.

"Tell me, why is it you care so badly about ruining her life? I know you well enough to know that this is more than you just wanting to make her pay. If you want us to be partners, you need to tell me what's really going on, since I want to know if I need to bail." Mick said and Snart sighed.

"She needs to pay for forgetting who took care of her, who shielded her from our father's anger, who did everything they could to keep her safe after our mother walked out." Snart said.

"This isn't because she sold you out. This is because she hurt your feelings." Mick said in disgust.

"What are you talking about Mick? Guys like us don't have feelings." Snart said.

"Really, because if that were the case, you'd be using that cold gun of yours to freeze your sister's heart. But instead, you're obsessing over sending her to prison. Admit it, she hurt your feelings when she betrayed you." Mick said.

"Maybe, but it's also because of her that we have to hide here. The last place she'd think to look." Snart said as he looked around at the abandoned house he and Mick had holed up in after abandoning the hideout they'd gone to after escaping.

"Fair enough. But what are you going to do when you see her again. Because she is not going to be happy to see you." Mick said.

"I know. But at the same time, I can't bring myself to kill her, since for some reason, I feel a small amount of emotion for her. It's a weakness." Snart said.

"We all have our weaknesses. You put up with my obsession and my pyromania, so I'll put up with whatever it is you have with Lisa, as long as it doesn't complicate the job." Mick said and Snart nodded.

"Fair enough. Speaking of which, we should have some time to plan our next job before Lisa even thinks to tell the cops to check here." Snart said.

"Why wouldn't she? It seems like the sort of place she'd tell them about." Mick asked.

"Because this is one place that she and I both swore never to come back to." Snart said.

"Still." Mick said.

"By the time she thinks to have anyone look here, we'll have gotten what we wanted and then we'll ditch town for a while, let things cool off and then we'll come back for something new." Snart said and Mick nodded.

"What exactly are we stealing?" Mick asked.

"Something that combines both our love of money and my desire for revenge." Snart said as he showed Mick a tablet with an article from the Central City Citizen loaded up on it, the article titled, New Painting being Debuted at Central City Art Gallery.

"A painting?" Mick asked.

"An original, brand new, fully undamaged masterpiece straight from the easel of one of this city's most prominent artists." Snart said with a grin as Mick read the name of the artist and he also grinned.

"We're stealing from your sister's girlfriend. I like it." Mick said.

"I'm nothing if not efficient. Now come on, the unveiling is this weekend, so we need to prepare." Snart said and Mick nodded in agreement.

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