Chapter 15 : Communication

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"Shut up negro" I said throwing a piece of popcorn at him.

He chuckled and I smiled rolling my eyes, right now we were in the park. We've been gone all day, and when I told him to give me a tour I didn't think he was going to take me everywhere but he did. He knows his stuff, I even filled out a couple of job applications, and after he flirted with the receptionist she put my name at the top of the list. Then he took me to every amusement park there was in New York City, who knew that a twenty two year old could get so excited about roller coasters.

"Thanks" he said and I looked at him.

"For what?" I said, "for this I needed to get my mind off the drama" he said.

"Oh don't get it twisted I did this for me I was using you" he smirked , I actually did it because of Marie. She told me to get Langston out of the house and out of his funk she told me to get his mind off of the whole baby mama drama because it will not ruin her wedding her words not mine.

We continued to walk till we go to a bench and sat down.

I let out a long breath I didn't know I was this tired job hunting and amusement parks is tiring work.

"Aww come on I know your not tired" he said sitting beside me.

"Yes I am tired! Chasing after you all day making sure you don't fight with little kids parents it's a tiresome job" I said and he laughed.

"Hey, that little girl shouldn't have been in my way. I called the first chair" he said and I shook my head.

"Your an idiot" I said and popped another piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"Throw me a piece" he said and opened his mouth.

I threw him a piece and he missed, I laughed and did again and he missed.

"You suck at this game" I said.

"You just can't throw" he said and I threw another piece and he caught it.

"Aww look Howard don't they remind you of us" someone said and we turned around and saw an elderly couple waking by.

"Leave them kids alone Joan" he said sending us a friendly smile.

"Aww don't be a stick in the mud, enjoy young love while it lasts baby" she said to me and I smiled.

"Run son it's a trap" Howard said and Joan hit him.

"We're not together" me and Langston said at the same time.

"Yeah that's how it starts next thing you know your changing his diaper" Joan said.

"One time you had to Joan" Howard said as they continue their stroll through the park.

"Wow" we said and turned around.

Why would they think me and Langston are a couple.

"That was weird.." Langston said and I nodded.

"I think we should go before Joan and Howard make their return" Langston said and I nodded.


I spun her wedding ring around in my hand, she took it off when we talked.

I never would imagine going through something like this especially with Alecie. I placed my head in my hands, I was suppose to protect her from stuff like this and I'm the one who caused it.

If I could rewind time I wouldn't have went to that club and I wouldn't have drank that much. I would have stayed with Alecie and we could have watch movies and talk like we always do.

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