Back at Hogwarts

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Draco sat on the Hogwarts Express. Looking out the window, seeing the trees swooshing by as the train made its way to Hogwarts. 'This year is going to be so different' Draco thought. It seemed like it was only yesterday that the Battle of Hogwarts took so many lives. And some of them due to his father. He despised him for it. He hated everything his father had done to him and he hated that he had been forced to become a death eater, but he knew that if he were to protest, things could have gone bad. He sat there for a while just thinking about all the things he hated about his father.

Draco had been so captivated by his own thoughts that he had forgotten that Pansy and Goyle was sitting across from him.
"Earth to Draco!" Pansy exclaimed loudly trying to get Draco's attention.
Draco gave Pansy a glance then turned back to his daydreaming and simply said
"Sod off"
Pansy scoffed and turned to talk to Goyle. Draco did not care right now about what Pansy had to say. He had now abandoned to think about his father. There was only one thing he thinked about now. The only thing that truly mattered. What would do when he met Harry?

Draco had always sort of had a crush on Harry. At the beginning he just tried to be his friend. But everything he said had just made the situation worse. He wanted to sound nice and witty but instead he just ended up insultet Harry and his friends, though Draco did not mean to. When Draco did not make progress he kept going as he had before. Keeping up his appearance. Draco was ashamed of it. It was another fault of his father, to had made his son a selfish, mean bully. But Draco knew that it was also partly his fault for not standing up to his own father.

As the time went by Draco was getting meaner and meaner to Harry and everyone around him but his feelings also deepened for him. He knew why he did what he did, he just didn't want to admit it.
Every time he looked at Harry, he felt chills all over his body. He wanted to gaze into those wonderful green eyes as long as he could. And feel his messy hair sliding between his fingers. Holding Harry, protecting Harry, making him feel loved. It was all nonsense really. I mean, how could a perfect, beautiful boy like Harry love a destroyed, broken one like Draco.
All of this made sense. But why did Harry then save Draco in the Room of Requirement? This, Draco couldn't wrap his head around. After Draco had been tormenting Harry for 7 long years why did Harry let him live. He could have left him and face probably the same fate as Grabbe. But he didn't. Draco wanted to know the reason.

Draco had been pondering a quite while now. Every now and then Pansy would give him a look and all the times that Draco didn't respond she kept talking to Goyle. Suddenly the compartment door opened and Draco's Grey stone eyes met with Harry's green ones. Draco blushed and quickly turned his face to look out the window again. Harry was still looking at Draco with query eyes but suddenly he led his gaze to Pansy and Goyle instead.

"Sorry to intrude, but-" Harry's voice sounded magical. Draco wanted to look up at Harry's eyes once more but he feared that if he would he would start blushing again.
"-have one of you seen Ron?" Harry asked politely
Pansy and Goyle shook their heads and Harry nodded as an answer.
"see you" Harry had said before disappearing out of the compartment.

God Harry's voice was angelic. So soft and nice and gorgeous.

"what's wrong Draco?" Pansy asked softly. Draco was actually really stressed but he couldn't tell that to his slytherin friends. So he simply replied with, "nothing, I'm okay".
Pansy seemed to accept this answer because she went back to talking to Goyle. Even though she was looking strangely at Draco. Draco continued to stare out the window with the butterflies still in his stomach. He dreaded when he would see Harry again and would be forced to talk to him. But he also longed for that moment.


When the train stopped Draco was taken out of his trance. He, Pansy and Goyle stood up to take their trunks. They made their way out of the train. Draco stood still guarding the trunks while Goyle and Pansy went to get their wagon. Suddenly Draco heard a loud thud behind him. He turned around to find Neville Longbottom. He stood watching a clock on his arm. The ticking was louder than expected and Draco was growing impatient. When Neville saw Draco he jumped a little.

"Draco, er- er- what are you doing here" He asked with a nervous tremble.
"Going to Hogwarts, what else?" Draco said with a voice that clearly said 'duh'
"oh, er, of course" Neville answered with a still uncertain voice.
Draco looked up and down at Neville. He wore his outfit quite well. Draco had always thought Neville was pretty messy with his robes. Especially with his tie. Somehow always seemed crooked or bent in some way. This time, he was nicely composed and looked quite handsome at the time.
"You look good" Draco muttered not thinking if Neville would hear him, blushing slightly.
Neville wore a face of surprise. Draco had never given him a compliment. It was astonishing.
"Thank you" neville answered with a questionable voice. His face was trying to figure out why Draco had been so nice all of a sudden.
At that moment Pansy and Goyle came back. They all took their stuff and went abroad the carriage. Neville watched them go away into the shadows and disappearing.

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