Growing feelings

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For the coming week Harry and Draco had not talked at all. They were both scared of what to say to each other. Every day, every lesson seemed like it was getting longer and longer. Almost like there wasn't an end. In potions they hadn't talked either. Harry had let Draco do all the work because he knew he was better and he didn't want to make them talk.

Harry sat in the library with Hermione trying to study. While Hermione had written a whole page in her notebook, Harry had only written two lines. He was staring at his paper placing his quill on the parchment and lift it up then repeat the process. This had made a big black spot of ink on the paper. Hermione looked worriedly at Harry. She nudged his shoulder. Harry simply looked up at her and smiled weakly.

"You only need to talk to him" She said quietly
Harry looked down at his paper again.
"I know." he replied. "I just don't know what to say"
"Why don't you start with, hello?"
Harry snickered.
"Yeah, that's easy enough right." he replied sarcastically
Hermione sighed and placed her hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry looked back at her.
"Can we go to Hagrid for a while?"
They got up to go directly to Hagrid's hut.

Harry and Hermione walked on the yard towards Hagrid's hut. They still had their books in their hands since they decided to go directly to him.
Harry felt relieved to be outside again. He had not been outside since they got to the school. He would have gone outside yesterday for quidditch practice but it was cancelled but it was raining really bad. So naturally, the ground was still a little wet. Because of this it was a little slippery out on the grass so Harry and Hermione decided to walk a little slower.
Harry was at peace out here. No homework, no teachers, no Draco. But Harry was unfortunately wrong about the last one. Apparently, Draco had gotten the same idea to escape to the outdoors as he had. When Harry saw Draco he lost control of where he was going. He tripped on a little rock in the ground so he fell right onto his stomach. His books scattered all over the ground.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked while helping Harry up from the ground
"Yeah." He replied while brushing the grass from his robes.
Harry saw that Draco had noticed his fall so he picked up his books as fast as possible so that Draco wouldn't be able to go to him before he could get away.
"Come on!" Harry gestured for Hermione to continue walking
Harry had started walking so fast so she had to jog a little to catch up with him.
"My books are all wet now" Harry complained.
"Well. Maybe you should try to take it easy."
"I saw Draco."
"Oh" Hermione replied.

Draco made his way to where Harry had fallen and he noticed that Harry had left his quill.
'Damn' Draco thought. He put the quill in his pocket and looked at Harry in the distance before continuing on his walk.
He held his hand in his pocket so he could always feel something belonging to Harry on his skin.
Seamus had spotted Draco and ran up to him.

"Hey!" he said.
Draco looked at Seamus and smiled.
"How are you?" Seamus asked Draco.
"I'm fine," Draco replied. "You?"
They walked together talking the whole time. Draco seemed pretty content but was also a little off.

Harry and Hermione sat in Hagrid's hut. He was making a cup of tea as the teens sat at the table. Hagrid couched and put out three cups on the table.

"So." he started. "What brings you here?" he asked with a husky voice.
"We just wanted to escape from our studies for a while." Hermione answered.

Hagrid poured the cups full of tea and nodded. He put the pot away and sat down next to them. He brought his cup of tea to his mouth a slurped it. Harry brought his cup to his own mouth as well. He could smell lemon and watermelon.

"Is it a new tea?" Harry asked
"Yes it is" Hagrid answered.
Harry took a gulp. It tasted even better then it smelled. The flavors filled his mouth and for a moment, he forgot all the troubles he had in his mind.
"Hagrid?" Hermione asked
"Ye- yes" he stammered as he almost spilled his cup of tea.
"Harry has been feeling a bit troubled lately"
Harry gave her a sharp glance.
"About what?" Hagrid asked
"Um, I'm not sure. But I think that he is very anxious about it." she lied
"And I suspect he doesn't want to talk about it?" He asked looking over at Harry
Hagrid gave Harry a comforting nod.
"Well! Like I've always said, if you want to do something, you need to set your mind to it."
Harry looked at Hagrid with slightly comforted eyes.
"So if there is something you want to do Harry. You should." Hermione added

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