Game night

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They all met in the common room after dinner. They were still sitting in their groups of houses. Except for Draco who once again did not sit with the slytherins. This time he sat with Seamus next to the other Gryffindors. They waited a while to make sure everyone had come to the common room. When no one else came they started discussing what they should do. It was really hard trying to find something that everyone wanted to do. Suddenly Seamus got an idea.

"We could play truth or dare."
The students who were purebloods looked confusingly at him. The others knew what the game was since most of them had been in the muggle world.
"It's a game where we all take turns to ask another person in the room to choose between doing a dare or answering a question truthfully." Most of the people still didn't understand.

"It's a muggle game." Seamus pointed out and the confused looks turned into understanding looks.
"It sounds like a good idea." Pansy had said.

When everyone else decided that it was the best thing they could do they all sat in a ring on the floor. Of course beside their houses and with a little gap where two people from different houses met. Draco was still sitting between Seamus and Neville which looked a little tense. To ease the tension Draco smiled at Neville and it looked like he had relaxed a bit. Neville returned the smile.

"Who wants to start?" Harry asked the group.
It seemed like nobody wanted to go first. Then a hand rose. It was Goyle. He looked around the room.
"So I just ask anyone anything?" Goyle asked looking Seamus's way.
"You say someone's name and ask them 'truth or dare', then they get to choose and from their choice you make a question or tell a dare for them to do."
"Oh, okay." Goyle scanned the room looking for someone to ask. He stopped when his eyes fell on one of the Hufflepuffs in his dorm.
"Are you Robin or Will?" he asked the black haired Hufflepuff.
"I'm W-Will." he stammered.
"Truth or dare, Will?" Goyle asked with a mischievous grin.
"What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you in school?"
"Um. I think it was in our 2nd year when I accidentally spilled out a whole bowl of pumpkin juice on a person's robes." Will had tried to say as quickly as possible to make it less awkward.

There were quiet laughters all over the room. The game went on for a while. Most people had chosen truth but some people took the chance of doing dare. The room smelled like chocolate because someone had sprayed a perfume all over the room. A bit reckless some thought. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and there was a good mood. Even the slytherins was smiling and contributing to the good atmosphere. It seemed like a game night was just the thing that would make everyone be nicer to each other. Some people had retrieved from the Muggle game and played Wizards chess but it was nice just the same.

Hermione and Ron were not in the game but sitting behind everyone else and talking to each other. It was not hard to notice that they were in love. They seemed to really enjoy their little talk. Every now and then they would turn to look at what was going on in the game but they always turned back to pay each other attention.

"Do you remember that time in the great hall where Seamus was trying to make rum out of water?" Ron had asked Hermione
"Yeah, it smelled really awful" She replied.
Ron laughed at her comment.
"You never think anything is funny do you?" Ron teased
"I do. Just if it is worth the laughter."
"And you think that what's worth the laughter is your own jokes?"
The two of them laughed more and more for everything they brought up. They were getting pretty loaded that even a Hufflepuff had told them to be quiet.

Pansy had been planning her turn from the very beginning of the game. It was a ravenclaws turn
"Harry, truth or dare?" the small ravenclaw asked Harry.
"Uh, truth" He said decidedly.
"Is it true that you and Ginny are not together anymore?"
"Yes, it's true. We realised it wasn't going to work out."

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