The Perfect Gift

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When Draco woke up he noticed that he was alone in the room. Ron was usually late out of his bed but Draco figured Ron had left the room so he wouldn't have to talk to him. He got out of bed and started putting his clothes on.
Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him. He jumped. Hot lips kissed Draco in the neck.

"Mmm" Harry answered as he continued kissing Draco's neck. Draco turned around and gently pushed Harry away.
"I'm trying to dress."
"And I'm trying to distract you."
Draco ignored Harry and continued to dress. Harry jumped on him so he fell on the bed.
"Harry stop."
Harry started to tickle Draco.
"What do- do you wa- want?" Draco giggled.
"A kiss." Harry smirked.

Draco sighed and kissed Harry on the lips. He put his hands at the back of Harry's head and tugged on his hair. Harry pushed back. His hands stayed on Draco's side where he had tickled him just a moment before. What Harry had said to be a simple kiss evolved into several minutes of snogging. Neither of them could get enough. Draco and Harry had to let go when they saw Seamus walking in the room.

"Um." Seamus had started.
"Hey Seamus" Draco said awkwardly while still holding Harry's hair.
"Should I go?" Seamus asked
"No, no. We were just leaving." Draco said. Harry gave him a pleading look.
Draco pushed Harry away and he stepped out of the room. Draco hurried to get dressed and then got out of the room as well.

Harry had been waiting at the end of the stairs for Draco. When Draco had arrived Harry gave him a weird look.
"Your tie is all crooked."
"Oh" Draco said while trying to fix it. Harry laughed and stretched out his hands.
"Come here. Let me fix it" Harry said while untying Draco's tie to redo it. He was very focused.
"You're adorable" Draco said. Harry didn't answer.

Draco held his head high so that Harry could easily get to his neck. Draco felt Harry's fingered glide across his neck. It sent shivers down his spine. When Harry was done a leaned in to give Draco a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you." Harry answered the comment Draco had said moments earlier.
Someone crouched at the other side of the room. The both of them turned around to see a black haired boy in Ravenclaw clothing. It was David reading a book.
"You should probably get to breakfast. I reckon they're putting it away soon." David said calmly as he was still reading.
"Right." Draco said cheerfully. He took harry by the hand and headed out of the common room.
David sighed and whispered to himself.

Hermione sat in the hall with Ginny and chatted. She had told Ginny about Ron's reaction to the news about Harry and Draco. Ginny was being very accepting and kind. She was happy that Harry had found someone to love. Even though they weren't together anymore she still wanted what was best for him. If Draco was that then she was going to accept it.

"He will come around."
"I'm sure he will. My brother can be a bit sensitive when it comes to these things."
Harry left Draco when entering the hall and went to sit beside Ginny.
"Hey Harry." Hermione and Ginny said simultaneously.

Harry and Draco stared at each other across the room. Hermione took a sip of her drink while Ginny was looking back to back at Harry and Draco. She noticed that Draco smiled at him and Harry lit up even more.

"Stop staring Harry." She teased.
"I'm not staring" Harry said while still clearly staring.
As Draco looked away from Harry to answer a question Harry did the same. He took some breakfast and started to eat.
"Are you gonna stay at the weasley's during Christmas break?" Hermione asked.
"Um- I don't think so. Now that Draco is not going home I figured I could stay with him."
"That's good of you." Hermione cheered.
"Mmm" Harry responded.

Harry was happy that he could stay with Draco but he was also really worried. He had not gotten him anything yet and he was freaking out about it. He would have to sneak out to go to Hogsmeade to get him something. He didn't even know what to get him. Harry decided he would sneak out today. After dinner he would go to hogsmeade and get Draco his Christmas present.

"What do you think?" Ginny asked Harry.
"What?" Harry asked in confusion. He had blacked out of the conversation.
"I said that I got Ron an owl."
"Really?" Harry asked. Ginny nodded. "I think it's perfect. He really hasn't been the same since scabbers." Harry said.
"Exactly what I thought"
They continued eating and after they were done, they headed for Herbology.

Harry would have to think of a way to sneak away from Draco. Draco would usually get to Harry the second he went out of the hall. In the middle of Harry's meal he noticed that Draco had gone over to the end of the table to talk to a 4th year student. Harry took his hot and ran out of the hall. He did not look back but if he would he would have seen Draco staring at him.

He went up to his dorm and got his invisibility cloak. He opened his trunk and got out a bit of money. He went downstairs and sneaked out of the castle. He headed down past Hagrid's hut. The lights were turned off and you could see Hagrid rummaging around in the hut. Harry had noticed in the hall that Hagrid hadn't been there. Harry wondered what he was doing. Harry was startled when the door to the hut opened. Hagrid stepped out with a big pot with something crawling around inside. Had Hagrid gotten another magical creature? Maybe it was for a care of a magical creatures lesson. Harry had no time to stay around and ponder so he headed forward.

He journeyed past the Whomping willow and it seemed fast asleep. Until it snapped a branch against a bird which landed on the ground. It was either dead or unconscious because it did not move. To avoid getting killed, Harry walked further away from the willow.

He went out of the gates and he could now take off his cloak. He put it in his bag which he had brought and started walking toward the village. He could see the lights of the three broomsticks and other shops coming closer and closer. There was a new building which he hadn't seen before. It was a small purple house with a sign that said "Meredith's great finds". Apparently it was a second hand shop. Harry was intrigued so when he arrived at the shop he had to get inside.

Inside the shops there were all kinds of things around the room. Paintings and vases were laying all around the place. There was something Harry had never seen before. Suddenly, a short woman with gray hair stepped out from under the counter.

"Good day." The old woman said with a crusty voice.
"Hello." Harry answered.
The woman squinted at Harry and adjusted her classes she was wearing. She straightened her back and placed her hands on her hips.
"What can I do for you this wonderful night?"
"I'm looking for something to give my boyfriend."
"Oh what fun! Young love! I remember when I was your age. I had so many suitors chasing after me." She cheered.
"Oh, I believe you." Harry said smiling.
The woman looked at Harry as if scanning him and then started walking down a corridor filled with furniture. Harry followed her.
"Here we are '' She said after turning a corner. There were books of all sizes and goblets In silver and bronze and a few statues sitting on a shelf. She reached towards a shelf and took out a silver box. She handed it to Harry and he examined it. It had a design that looked like vines luring around the box. For a second the vines actually moved. Harry's eyes peered up.

"Open it" The woman said pointing at the box.
Harry did as she said and opened it. A burst of sun shot out of the box. Warmth spread against Harry's face. When the heat had disappeared he saw a small bracelet in the box. It was clear with a little emblem of a heart on it. Harry looked up to see the woman smiling at him.

"Isn't it charming?" She asked.
"Very" Harry answered.
"Oh, and the enchantment is going to stay on the box until you remove it. So anytime someone opened the box, they will also feel the same as you did opening it."
"That's perfect. Thank you!"
"And it's not over yet." The woman confirmed. "You can custom make it so that the color is different. I can help you with that at the front desk."
Harry nodded and followed the woman back to the desk. She layed out the bracelet on a pillow that was on the desk.
"What color would you like it to be?" She asked.
She nodded and took out her wand. She pointed it at the bracelet at it turned green. Harry picked it up once again and put it in the box. He took out his money and took out 2 galleons.
"No, no, no." She said, "10 silver sickles will do" She informed.
"Only 10?"

Harry gave her what she had asked and said his goodbyes. The entire walk back to the doors he had a wide smile on his face. This present was perfect for Draco. Harry couldn't wait until he got to give it to him.

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