First Class

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After everyone had unpacked they met in the common room as agreed. The houses had sat down in groups. They slytherins had taken their seat in the back right corner, the Ravenclaws sat in the middle of the room, the hufflepuffs were located on the left front corner and the Gryffindors were on the right front corner. Draco came in to the room and his fellow Slytherins gestured for him to sit but he walked over to sit in an empty chair that was located between the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Everyone in the room looked surprised yet again for the second time today that Draco had done something strange. He ignored everyone and Harry started to speak at the very front of the room in front of the fireplace.

"So I take it that you have all unpacked or atleast gone to your rooms." Harry asked. No one protested so he continued. "Good. I would like to see some suggestions of what we could do to ease the tension between ourselves." Harry waited for someone to speak.
"We could have a game night" David said quietly with his eyes locked on the page of a book.
Everyone threw their eyes in David's direction. He looked up confused.
"Why is that so weird?"
"Because," started Goyle. "I don't think anyone here actually wants to do it. That includes you."
"Maybe not, but we haven't done it before so how could we know?"
Goyle didn't answer.
"Besides, we could possibly have a good time. Bond and all that." David stated as he continued with his book. "Should we say, here tomorrow after dinner?" David asked the whole room.
Everyone nodded slowly and continued to do the things they wanted to do for the rest of the night.

The next morning Draco woke up in his bed with tired eyes. He checked on the time and it was only 5 in the morning. 'crap' he thought. He pulled his bedsheets over his head and groaned. Pretty loudly too. He opened his eyes wide. He wondered if he had awoken anyone. He pulled his sheets back down and looked around the room. He noticed Seamus sitting on his bed staring into the wall. Draco tilted his head like a dog in confusion. He took a breath and sat up.

Seamus heard something so he turned around to see what it was. He quickly turned back when he saw Draco staring at him. He is there frozen, waiting for a mean comment or a rude statement from Draco. He didn't say anything even though he knew Draco saw him looking at him.

"What's wrong?" Draco whispered
Seamus didn't reply.
"What's wrong?" Draco said a little louder.
Seamus felt the urge to answer now because he should have heard him, and he had.
"Nothing" Seamus said coldly and quick

Draco squinted. He stepped out on to the floor and walked over to Seamus's bed. He sat down beside him and embraced him in a tight hug. At first Seamus was paralyzed with fear but then he relaxed and returned Draco's hug. He started crying. Draco stoked his back with his hand and shushed him. Draco waited for Seamus to stop sniffling and then he pulled back his arms and looked Seamus in the face. Seamus's eyes were still watered.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Seamus asked while wiping his tears away from his cheeks.
"Don't you want me to be nice to you?"
"Oh yes, but it's just a little but strange. You've never been friendly with me before. Me being halfblood and all."
"I'm way past that. I am a new person now." Draco said with a smile falling on his lips afterwards. "The war changed me. For better and for worse."

Seamus looked down on his bed. Then he explained everything to Draco. How when he had returned to his home he had found his father murdered in his home by a muggle burglar. He also told Draco how Seamus had been depressed for quite a while and even considered not returning to Hogwarts.
After Draco and Seamus's talk they both walked together to breakfast. As they had been sitting talking for 2 hours it was time to head to breakfast. It took awhile to get to the great hall because they were talking and laughing all the way so they had slowed their walking.

After breakfast there was still some time before Draco's first lesson. Potions. His favorite. To pass the time he wandered the castle getting looks here and there but he didn't mind. It was okay for people to not like him after what he did. Even most of the other slytherins didn't like his company anymore. That was the reason why he sat alone at breakfast.
As Draco walked he started to think that he never really had any real friends. Sure he hung out with Grabbe, Goyle and Pansy but they didn't feel like real friends should be like. They respect him and he respects them but it never felt complete.

He was at the Potions classroom door. He reached for the handle but a hand got to it before him. It was Harry.
"Hey. Do you want to sit beside me in class?" Harry asked
"Um, sure." Draco answered nervously. His heart beat fast and hard. They walked in and took a seat at the front of the classroom.

Draco looked back and almost everyone was whispering and looking his and Harry's way. Draco turned around and looked at Harry's face. Harry seemed to ignore the whispers because he only waited with a smile on his face for Professor Slughorn to arrive. He looked back at Draco.

"What is it?"
"They're whispering" Draco answered quietly
Harry looked over his shoulder and then looked at Draco.
"Oh, never mind them. They just like the gossip." Harry said
"What gossip?" Draco asked with a confused look.
"You don't know?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head. "There is a rumor that we are friends."
"Oh." Draco looked down at the table. "Then why did you want me to sit next to you? Won't it make the situation worse?" Draco looked up again into Harry's green eyes.
"Because it's true." Harry began. "Or, don't you want to be friends with me?" he continued.
Draco smiled at Harry
"Yes. I do" Draco said just before professor Slughorn entered the room. As the professor started talking Draco sat there with a smile on his face. For the first time in class, he didn't pay that much attention.
They were doing the laughing potion. It went well but Draco with his distracted mind accidently spilled the entire jar of horseradish on the table when it was time to add it to the potion. Draco merely got a scolding by the potions master but no major punishment.

"It something wrong Draco?" Harry asked after he was scolded by the professor
Draco stared at Harry with wide eyes.
"You called me by my first name."
Harry laughed. "Isn't that what friends do. I haven't met anybody that refers to their friends by their last names.
"I suppose. But you've never done it before. I was surprised." Draco hesitated. "Harry" he said at last.
They finished the potion by stirring it and heating it for a last time. Harry took out his wand and waved it over the cauldron.
"There done. Now we just have to tell prof-" Harry was cut off by a sudden laughter from behind him.
When he looked back he saw Neville laughing his ass off.
"Oh dear!" the professor exclaimed. "I think mister Longbottom drank some of the potion."
Hermione who was sitting beside Neville tried to calm him down.
"He only got a little on his finger and I guess he licked it." She said
"Well then, it should wear off in about 20 minutes or so." Slughorn said.
Hermione nodded.

"Well then class, time's up for today. Just leave your cauldrons so I can take a look at them." Slughorn stated as he went to go to his office.
The students were about to leave the classroom.
"Oh, by the way. The person you were sitting with today you will have as your partner until Christmas." Slughorn said quickly before dismissing the class.
Guess Draco and Harry would be spending a lot of time together. Neither of them was upset though. Especially not Draco.

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