Feels right

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Harry climbed into Draco's bed as quietly as he could. He layed facing Draco, feeling his sleepy breath hit against his neck. It tickled a little bit but it was nothing Harry couldn't handle. He looked at Draco's perfect face, inspecting every inch of it. He counted all the lines on Draco's lips. 24. He looked like sleeping beauty. Very, very beautiful.
Draco snuggled closer to Harry, placing his head on Harry's chest. Harry tried not to get his pulse up so he wouldn't wake Draco by making him hear the beating of his heart. Draco smiled gently and placed his hand up to Harry's chest beside his head. Harry smiled in awe.

Harry's feelings for Draco were growing stronger by each minute. For each minute he wanted him more and more. He wanted to kiss Draco, to feel him, to do so much more than he ever had before. He wanted Draco to feel the same way. The only thing he could do was ask him.
Draco wined a little and moved his head around. He was having a nightmare. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco.

"Shush" Harry calmed Draco
Draco stopped moving his head and kissed Harry's neck.
"Harry?" Draco asked sleepy
"I'm here"
"Thank you" Draco said while dozing off to sleep again.

Harry woke up in his bed.
"that dream was really something" he said quietly to himself although Neville had overheard.
"What were you dreaming about?"
"Oh, er- nothing special"
"Oh. Because I woke up during the night. And you were repeating "Draco" for quite some time."
Harry's eyes spread wide. A flash of panic spread across his face. His cheeks turned red and his breath was becoming harder.
"Er- it's because I dreamt about having a fight with Draco. It must have be because of that" Harry stated half worried
"Must have" Neville said scepticly

Harry stood up and went into the bathroom to clean himself up. He looked like a mess. His hair was all tangled and his eyes were tired. He had slightly dark circles under his eyes. 'Wow! That dream really worked me up' Harry thought to himself. He scooped water into his palms and splashed it onto his face. The water dropped down his nose. He instantly felt better. He took a nearby towel and wiped his face free from the water.

He went to put on his robes. Neville had already gone down for breakfast so Harry decided to go a little later than usual. He slowly walked down the stairs. When he peeped around the corner he saw Draco sitting in a chair watching the fireplace. His blonde hair was sparkling in the sunlight. He stood there for a couple of minutes just staring before moving a single muscle.

He walked slowly over to Draco who still hadn't noticed him lurking. He stopped behind Draco and placed his hand on his shoulder. Draco's head spun around.
"Hey" Harry answered and removed his hand. Draco stood up and walked to the other side of the bed so he was on the same side as Harry.
They kind of awkwardly stood there, looking into each others eyes. Harry had wanted to talk to Draco alone ever since last night. Even though he longed for it he could not say a word. Maybe he should have just walked out of the room and tried to talk to Draco at another time? No. He didn't want to seem scared. Harry was going to say something but Draco got to it first.

"I wanted to thank you for last night."
"You already thanked me" Harry responded
"That was for warming me up. Now I'm thanking you for kissing me"
"I was just doing my duty."
"You didn't have to kiss me. You could have just handed me a blanket or something" Draco kept his eyes on Harry, unsure of what his response would be.
"But I chose to kiss you because I wanted to. It felt right" Harry confessed.

Draco was relieved. His breath suddenly calmed. He licked his lips and moved a little bit closer to Harry. Not too close though. He did not want to make him uncomfortable.
"Well." Draco began. He questioned if he should continue. "Would you. Possibly. Want to try it again? To see if it feels right?" Draco wanted to look away from Harry now. He wanted to hide his blushy cheeks. But when he tried to, Harry's fingers was placed under his chin. He pulled Draco closer, keeping eye contact.
"Very much" Harry replied and pressed his lips against Draco's. All the feelings and memories from last night came back to Draco. Draco's hands moved to Harry's hips. He pressed him against himself. Their hips bumped into each other. They both laughed. The kiss was clumsy, but sweet. When Harry pulled away Draco reached for him to come back. And Harry obliged. He pressed Draco against the wall and started kissing more passionately. Licking Draco's neck and sucking on his ear. Draco moaned. Harry wanted more.
"let's move somewhere more comfortable." Harry offered. Draco nodded in response.
Harry lifted Draco and he had to cling his legs around Harry's waist to not fall off while Harry carried him to the sleeping quarters. Harry opened the door to where his own bed was. He carried Draco to it and placed him gently on the edge of the bed. He took out his wand at the door and cast a spell so that thee door shut. Harry turned back to face Draco sitting on the bed. Leaning back holding his hands behind for support.
"You look so hot like that" Harry blurted out. Draco blushed even more than before.

Harry crawled closer to Draco. While he journeyed up his body he dragged his hand along the sides of Draco. When he came up to his head he held it while he sat on Draco's lap. He started kissing him again. He felt Draco's warmth growing closer to him. Harry took a hold of Draco's robes and pulled them over his head. His own quickly followed. It was a lot easier now. No sleeves getting in the way for Harry to touch Draco. Draco rubbed his hands all over Harry's chest as begging for him to take his shirt off. Harry did so and Draco started kissing Harry's bare chest. Harry loved the feeling of Draco's mouth against his chest. Draco's tongue swirled around Harry's nipples, filling him with ecstasy.
Harry could not wait any longer. He took a hold of Draco and started making love to him.

Harry and Draco panted in each other's arms. The sex had been the best both of them had had before and it was made sure that both of them liked it. They laid down on the bed facing each other. Harry stared at Draco's eyes but his gaze was not returned. Draco was looking at Harry's naked body. He looked up at Harry and smirked.

"I didn't think you would be this good looking." Draco said.
"Well, it's nothing like you."
"Oh, I know." Draco misread Harry's expression. He thought he was just being ironic.
"I mean it." Harry sounded serious this time to make sure Draco understood. He did.
Draco smiled and moved closer to Harry. He was only a couple of inches away from his face. Both of them were mesmerized by each other. Draco had never seen such perfect eyes, that seemed like they were dancing and Harry had never seen such beautiful lips.
"So I'm guessing I don't have to ask if it felt right?" Draco whispered into Harry's ear.
"No." answered Harry with a giggle. He kissed Draco on the cheek.

Draco and Harry walked together to breakfast. Since it was only 10 minutes until breakfast was put away, there was almost no one in the Great Hall. So they decided to sit at the same table. They sat across from each other. Both of them took a piece of toast each to munch on. None of them had classes today so they could just chill.
They walked around the halls telling jokes and laughing. They got weird looks at most places but they didn't care. Draco felt really happy, just being there with Harry. He could spend all day looking at Harry talking about his adventures. He could not take his eyes off Harry.

"Why are you staring at me?"
"Why do you think?" Draco answered with a smile.
Harry blushed. Draco giggled at Harry's cute expression. He went to a classroom and opened the door. He nodded and turned back to Harry.
"Come on," He said, taking Harry's hand and dragged him inside the classroom.
He pushed Harry's back against the door so it closed. He placed his hands around Harry.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked while grabbing Draco's waist.
Draco looked down at Harry's hand on his body. He bit his lip.
"What are you doing?" he said in response.

Draco leaned closer to Harry so he could touch his lips to Harry's jaw. He gently kissed Harry's jaw. Harry gave out a small moan. Draco smiled at Harry's reaction. Wanting to see what else he would do he moved to his neck, then his collarbone. Harry's moans grew louder. Draco had to cast muffliato so that the students walking past outside the door wouldn't hear the chosen one moaning.

Draco felt Harry's penis becoming harder and harder. Harry's hips were moving against Draco's legs. Harry was red in his entire face. Draco had one of his hands pinching one of Harry's to the wall. The other hand he moved to open Harry's pants.
"Ma-malfoy!" Harry exclaimed while Draco took out his dick out of his pants. Draco continued to kiss Harry wherever he could reach and started to rub Harry's pulsating dick. Harry's free hand gripped a hold of Draco's robes. Draco smiled and started rubbing harder.
"Malfoy!" Harry was practically screaming. Draco enjoyed having control. He moved his mouth to Harry's ear.
"Call me Draco" He whispered.
"Draco" Harry begged. "DRACO!" Harry exclaimed right before coming.

Draco released Harry's hand from the wall and kissed him on the lips. It was a passionate kiss which made the whole situation better. When they had cleaned up, they continued on with their day, escaping here and there to snog or to just talk in private. It was a good day. This definitely felt right.

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