➽ T w e n t y - t w o : Celebration

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"It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being." 
- John Joseph Powell

Winter had finally given away to the warmer weather of spring

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Winter had finally given away to the warmer weather of spring. Becca was thrilled to no longer be confined to just the greenhouse, spring was her favorite season. The manor was bustling with planning for the Srovyn pack to arrive. Queen Helen was spectacular at refining tiny details while also keeping the affair professional. The entire crew was working overtime to please her vision of the party. 

Underneath the excitement however, was an unease. Denallsh had been relatively quiet. The lack of new information made the Commander a gloomy presence that I wanted to stay far away from. We've been speculating that the Lord knows about spies being in his midst and keeping all plans to himself. Which can only mean that whatever his next steps were, they were going to be devastating. 

Theodora, the Pixie of the Fae, was still staying under our roof, yet I hadn't been able to get the chance to speak to her. Not without effort either, clearly she was avoiding me but I couldn't figure out why. She was warding the grounds, her sorcery flickering in waves over the perimeter. It was beautiful to witness, the magic a pure light extending from her soul rather than the give and take powers the Wickeds dabble in. 

I overheard her tell the Queen that her magic wouldn't be powerful enough to fully protect the entire manor without the help of the Wickeds that were taking their time getting to us. I continued walking to them, wanting more than anything to speak with Theodora. The moment she saw me, she excused herself and disappeared. 

I tried twice more to get her attention before giving up. If she wanted to have the conversation I've been desperately begging for with my intentions, she would have to initiate it herself. Time was quickly getting away from me. 

Over the past week, there were several introductions made between the guard members and the wolves from the northern pack. It was a warm welcome when the boy, Benjamin, bolted through the door into the foyer and gave me a hug with as much strength as he could muster from his small frame. Behind him were two people I couldn't place from the meeting and quickly assumed that they were the Alpha and his mate. 

The man was covered in rugged scars across his visible tanned skin, yet he seemed slight of build and shorter than his mate. She was a woman who could have given Becca a run for her money based on height alone but her demeanor was disquieting. Her wild eyes scanned everyone around, not leaving a single nook untouched. She seemed exceedingly wary of her young son embracing someone in unknown territory. 

"Benjamin," she hissed quietly, narrowing her eyes a fraction and still fidgeting slightly in her place. "Mind your manners." 

"It's quite alright, Nadia. They've already met when my son and Madelyn had the meeting with your Beta." The Queen spoke, trying to offer comfort toward the woman. It worked at the mention of my name. 

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