➽ S e v e n t e e n : Allies

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"A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf."
-George R. R. Martin.

Our group was led to an elaborately decorated dining hall with steaming food of all kinds set out in a buffet

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Our group was led to an elaborately decorated dining hall with steaming food of all kinds set out in a buffet. A part of me was unsure of whether I would be able to stomach eating but a more demanding part of me made itself known that I was actually quite hungry. A laugh came from the direction Jaxon was standing but when I went to look, he had his face blank. Too blank for me to believe that he hadn't heard my stomach's protest. 

"We should make use of their hospitality. I don't know how long it will take them to make their choice." Helen said, walking her way toward the table. She grabbed a plate and handed one to Gustav before pondering which dishes she wanted to feast on. 

Jaxon followed her lead, handing me a plate as well. Everything looked amazingly delicious and I was thankful to Evan for introducing me to so many different combinations of tastes. I wouldn't have known where to start if he hadn't. While loading up my plate I voiced a question I've been pondering since leaving the tribunal room. "Do you think they'll side with us?"

Ranaels' glare at the forefront of my mind casted doubts. If his say had any weight, the answer was most likely not. The Queens' thoughts went in the same direction. "I'm unsure. This is not a matter the council would usually intervene in, but since Denallsh is coming for the family who holds the crown and for a reason to get his hands on a powerful ally, I'm hoping they will."

We all made our way to the closest table after filling our plates. While my stomach was ready for the food in front of me, my unease made it difficult to fully process the wonderful tastes on my tongue. Silence stayed with us the entire time, all of us in our own train of thoughts. 

"Queen Rothschild, the council has come to a decision." One of the servants had come to collect us. My heart started hammering in my chest. The council being on our side would mean an automatic win to this feud before it even really started. It would mean everything to have all of the major factions behind us. The second trip up the staircase was filled with anxious air. 

The doors opened to reveal the members in the same positions we left them. I tried to get a sense of what way the conversation was going to go by their faces. It wasn't helpful. They all remained neutral except for the werewolf glaring in my direction. Theodora was the one to break the stagnant silence. 

"My dear Queen. I regret to inform you that your request for the council to be involved with a blood feud between the Rothschilds and Cathcarts has been denied." She did look genuinely discouraged at the outcome but that didn't stop the hammering of my heart from dropping into my now full stomach. I felt sick. 

"Unfortunately, Denallsh is well within his rights to declare war on whatever bloodline he chooses, he is the Lord after all." Douglas, the Wicked representative, spoke. He also seemed to be upset to go against the Queen's wishes. Rules of society have bound their hands. 

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