➽ F i v e : Royal Pain

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"True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen."
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

I saw Evan's mouth drop open in astonishment

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I saw Evan's mouth drop open in astonishment. Honestly, I felt my own doing the same. This man in front of me, this Prince of all supernatural beings, was dripping wet in alcohol and laughing. Full body laughing. I didn't know what to do. I felt my heart pounding in my ears.

"Sir?" Evan prompted towards the laughing man, bewilderment thick in his voice.

The prince looked at him, his piercing bright eyes flashing amusement before dulling slightly. "I'm sorry Chef. I couldn't help myself. The look on her face just caught me in just the right way." He looked down at me and I felt his gaze linger on me for a second longer than seemed necessary before drifting down to his own body. "It would seem I'm quite soaked."

My face burned. My voice was so quiet, I barely heard it myself. "I'm so sorry Sir. So very sorry. I should have opened the door more slowly."

"No. Please don't apologize. I was the one who suddenly appeared on the other side of the door as you were opening it. It's all my fault." He glanced at Evan, who managed to stand up even straighter than I thought possible. "Might I have a towel please? I also think, Maddie was it? Maddie could use one too."

I didn't even realize it but after he acknowledged it I felt the cling of wet clothing sticking to my skin. "Oh shit!" I froze again when I heard Evan gasp. I don't even know how I let that slip out of my mouth. Becca was rubbing off on me entirely too much!

That booming laughter from before sang in my ears. Something about it moved a part of my heart. It was a tune that danced to the melody of pure amusement. "She didn't even realize she was soaked!"

As if he couldn't hold himself up anymore, he bent over and held his knee with his hand to support his upper body. That was the first time I actually looked him over. His clothes, now ruined and wet because of me- not to forget that little detail, were neon signs pronouncing his status. Princely. It was all slate gray, except for a black tie dipped in small geometrical white patterns and his white chest connected to a dripping collar that hugged his neck. The pin-striping on the suit made soft plaid patterns in similar shades of gray hues. Everything was fitted just right against his body that you could reasonably tell that it was made only for him.

He caught me staring at him, let out a soft cough, and straightened up to a rigid standing position. "In any manner, this was no fault of yours and I hope your first day goes a bit more pleasantly."

I watched him bow his head slightly. He glanced at me one last second, before turning around to walk away. The entire room came back to life with whispers. The tones ranged from complete shock to disbelief. Evan grabbed my arm to bring me back into the supply closet of the kitchen then threw a towel at me, all the while staring at me with confusion on his face.

"How much trouble am I in?" I whispered with my head down, acting as if I was interested in drying myself. There was no way I was going to get away with dumping drinks all over the man who is next in line to be King. My heart stuttered a beat when I thought about what other Masters would have done to their property if such a thing had happened.

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