➽ T h i r t y - o n e : Empty

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"Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion."
- Dylan Thomas.

"- Dylan Thomas

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I am nothing. That is who I am. A baby born hopeless, matured into an adult who was empty. A collapsed star, turning into a black hole. Sucking all sound, life, and being into a vacuum void of nothing. I am nothing. That is who I am. 

Being ushered into a new chapter of my life while still vehemently mourning for the one I wasn't ready to leave behind, I sat in Queen Helen's office alone and staring off into the distance of her windows. I could make out the moon bathed lake in the background and lost myself in a daydream. Picturing myself, laughing and happy while Prince Jaxon swam in the waters, splashing me playfully. 

I tried to ignore the sounds within the manor, people clamoring loudly with their attempts to wipe clean the atrocity that had happened the night before. I refused to think about the cold bodies being laid out within the gazebo of the gardens, preparing for a mass funeral. About how Prince Jaxon would be at the center of those corpses, his head no longer attached even though they would work their hardest to make it look like he was simply sleeping. 

Helen interrupted my blissful memories and I slammed back into reality. 

"Hello, Madelyn. Thank you for waiting." She walked to her desk, her usually glossy chocolate brown hair tangled and lackluster, dangled past her shoulders. Her eyes hosted dark circles under them and were bloodshot from hours of tears spilt. We had that in common. 

"As I'm sure that you're aware, the Cathcart Manor is accepting you as their new Lord." My heart dropped at those words, or at least the empty space where my heart would have been if it wasn't laying outside in the gardens. Helen continued, "Usually it would go to the deceased Lord's heir, but Denallsh never sired one or named a successor. He was too vain to believe he would have needed to so soon." 

"The law states that with no contract for a new Lord deemed by Denallsh, the one who defeats him would be able to take his throne." The Queen lowered her tired eyes to a bundle of paperwork in front of her and pulled a pen into her grasp. "I hereby waive all ownership I have of you and give you your freedom." 

"What if I don't want to go?" My voice sounded dull but I had no will to put more emphasis within it. 

"You can't be forced, but I think it may be best for you. A new experience, a fresh start." She urged. With a flick of her pen, she signed her name in a flourish, officially ending the ties that bound me to her. "You're welcome to stay here as a citizen."

I thought about it. Would I be able to stay in these halls, seeing the man I loved around every corner as a figment of my imagination? Maybe she's right. A fresh start.

"I agree with you. I think getting out of this manor would be a good idea for me." My lips pulled into a frown, realizing how much of a life I had made for myself. "I'll miss you." 

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