◍ B o n u s : Supernatural Index

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*Each supernatural type comes from an alteration of a gene sequence in a normal human. Every group has their own methods and rituals in which to turn. 

※ Vampires : Homo Sanguis ※ ▸Have to feed on live human blood

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※ Vampires : Homo Sanguis ※ 
▸Have to feed on live human blood. It can not be bottled or taken from animals. They have to feed at least once a month to keep their red blood cells healthy. They can not die from lack of blood but they can fall into a painful coma. 
▸Feeding on a human who is intoxicated or otherwise inebriated will raise the effects on the vampire. They can not die from overdoses, but they can become severely hindered. 
▸They do age, however very slowly. The rate is speculated to be every one hundred years equals a year of aging. 
▸Vampires can reproduce normally, the gestation is double the time. (18-20 months) All children are born human but have an increased chance of carrying the gene to be turned. 
▸Normal humans only have a 33% chance to have the ability to be turned.
▸Turning someone involves a mix of the vampires venom and the sharing of the blood into the wound. It can only be successful if the vampire is well fed. 
▸Vampires are the most common race in the supernatural world and are also the most powerful with their advanced abilities of strength and speed. 
▸Vampires keep the eye color they were born with, but crimson can overtake the iris if they're overcome with strong emotions.
▸They do not burn in the sunlight of their world, but they have adjusted to being nighttime creatures. The sun can harm their eyesight if out for too long. (The human world however, does burn them if they're out in the daylight.)
▸While they can heal quickly from normal wounds, anything that would typically be life-ending for a human has the potential to kill a vampire. (Stabs to the heart, beheading, ect)

※ Werewolves : Homo Ferapellis ※▸They can shift into their wolves at any time of the day or night but they are at their strongest when the moon is fullest

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※ Werewolves : Homo Ferapellis 
▸They can shift into their wolves at any time of the day or night but they are at their strongest when the moon is fullest. 
▸ Werewolves have the eye color they were born with, but an amber/gold color lines the pupil. 
▸Female wolves are unfertile and they rely on human surrogates to continue their line. 
▸Most children become shifters at the average age of six. Non-shifters are still welcome and treated as family in the larger packs, though there are some old-fashioned packs who imprison their non-shifters. 
▸The whole pack participates in a full-moon ritual when one of the younglings come of age to turn. (Typically around six years old) They shift into their wolf form and with a unison howl they coax the wolf out of the child. They will continue to do this every full moon for a year until it's confirmed that the human will not turn. 
▸They can eat raw meats in any form, though it is harder to chew while human. 
▸They do not imprint, but they can smell mates who would be best suited for them. 
▸Wolves mate for life and will not take another if their significant other dies. There is great honor in taking a mate. 
▸Packs are full of community, every person having their parts and being cherished, from the Alpha to the most common member.
▸Alphas are chosen based on leadership and the ability to bring packs to order, not based on strength alone. Packs have a lot of power to choose who leads them. 
▸When in their wolf form, the human part is completely dormant other than having the ability to know when to shift back on command. It takes practice.
▸Once they reach the maximum growth for their body (a few years after puberty) their aging stops so long as they keep shifting. 

※ Wickeds : Homo Augurium ※▸Can control types of arcane magic that already exist in the world

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※ Wickeds : Homo Augurium 
▸Can control types of arcane magic that already exist in the world.
▸They have to give an equal amount of power to tap into the sorcery they want to control. (I.e. a sacrifice of something living.)
▸To become a full-fledged Wicked, one must participate with another in a ritual to call the arcane to their bodies. If it's unsuccessful, they do not survive. 
▸Their eyes are always pale and have a hard time on bright days.
▸Each individual has a certain talent for a specific category. One Wicked may be adept at healing while another is able to command an element with ease.
▸They like to live in small communities, usually consisting of one or two blood lines.
▸Each Wicked has their own ritual they take part in, typically once a month. It strengthens their bond with the arcane and needs to be replenished the more they use it.
▸They age like normal humans, but can use magic to keep themselves young. Once they stop using that magic, they will age at an accelerated rate until their body matches the years they've lived.

 Once they stop using that magic, they will age at an accelerated rate until their body matches the years they've lived

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※ Succubi : Homo Libidine 
▸Naturally sexual creatures with no shame in accepting their lust.
▸They are the least populous of the supernatural types, with only a few hundred wandering nomadically through the enchanted world. 
▸Their eyes are dark enough to be considered black and it is hard to pinpoint their pupil. 
▸Succubi is the name for both males and females. It was only because humans have an inability to grasp ideas without assigning gender to them, that the "incubi" was named.
▸ They do not like to create new members but if it is decided, the process is significantly painful. People wanting to join their ranks must be wrapped in silk and sleep on a bed of fire. Their imperfections are burned away leaving a being of the most attractive type. 
▸Succubi feed off of a human's lust and take it into themselves. Most are strict on consent (but average human's will not say no to their beauty.) There are a few that enjoy the pain and fear but they're in the minority. 
▸So long as they remain sexually active, they use the small pieces of soul they collect from their partners to remain immortal. 
▸They have no healing powers, so they tend to stay out of battles and wars. 

֍ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓡𝓲𝓯𝓽 > 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓹 ֎

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֍ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓡𝓲𝓯𝓽 > 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓹 ֎

֍ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓡𝓲𝓯𝓽 > 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓹 ֎

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