➽ T w e n t y - s i x : Demolish the System

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"Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity."
-Truth Devour

My senses started to come to me well before the end of dusk

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My senses started to come to me well before the end of dusk. The shades were still drawn and the shadows in the room kept my surroundings hidden. I closed my eyes again and rolled onto my stomach to bury my head into the soft pillows, trying to ignore the pang of loneliness I felt from waking up alone in the vast bed. Jaxon's scent still permeated around me and clung to my body. It was enough to keep me feeling content. 

With a groan, I made the decision to crawl my way to the edge of the warm softness to start another cycle of being awake. My eyes adjusted to the darkness enough that by the time I pulled myself up into a sitting position, I noticed a plate containing fruits and what looked like a sandwich in the middle of the nightstand beside the bed. A folded note with my name scrawled in an elegant script sat beside it. I clicked on the small wall lamp that hung over the stand. The sudden, close light stung my eyes slightly but I ignored it to grab the small, sturdy cardstock. 

Thank you for staying with me. You refreshed my mind and made me see how short I was being with the people who could help me achieve my goals. You looked too peaceful in your slumber to bother. I decided to grab some food for you in case you woke up hungry. Please join me in the briefing room when you're ready?
- Jaxon"

The pace of my heart quickened. I re-read the letter four times while shoving the fresh grapes in my mouth. This feeling in my chest was new, something I never experienced before but I found I liked it. A fluttering, close to the feeling of tipping your chair slightly too far and catching yourself at the last moment. I considered the romance movies that Becca was fond of and wondered, am I in love? 

Have I grown to love the prince of supernaturals? Did the attraction for his body extend farther to include wanting his soul? I knew, deep down, that the answer was yes. If I was being honest with myself, the feeling started long before this evening. It was with that revelation and giddiness in my body that I finished my food with a rush. 

Walking the corridors seemed different. There were more people wandering around, faces I didn't quite recognize giving me nods of wordless greeting. I enjoyed the respect and walked with my back straighter, giving the impression that I was fit to be a guardian of the people, old and new. I slowed my pace to make sure I didn't accidentally walk into anyone. The halls were crowded but it felt welcoming to know the Queen had so many willing to put their lives in her hands. 

By the time I made it to the briefing room, Jaxon and Cole were already deep in discussion about possible ways to hit Lord Denallsh. I could see a sheet of paper, scrawled with messy writing and riddled with marks to scratch out declined ideas.

Both of their heads popped up at my entrance. Jaxon's eyes connected with mine and a rush of heat flooded through my body. Knowing that I was in love with him made the gaze even more potent. The Commander glanced between the two of us and rolled his eyes. He whispered under his breath, "I don't need to be caught in the middle of silent lusty communication." 

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