➽ T w e n t y - s e v e n : In the Past

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"Nothing changes until people decide to do the things they must, in order to bring about peace." 
- Shannon L. Alder

The passage of time was slow with planning and tension, waiting for the right moment in which we could strike

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The passage of time was slow with planning and tension, waiting for the right moment in which we could strike. The air outside held pleasant warmth during the day but still had a slight chill at night after the sun had long been down. My routine held new parts. After I trained for a bit to keep my strength at its maximum, I was expected to join the Commander and whatever members of the guard were scheduled to be on duty. 

I missed Becca and the leisurely moments I had with my other friends. I felt that all I've been doing was waiting for everything to fall apart. The manor was still filled with gloom as Queen Helen refused to leave her quarters. The people felt her absence and morale was dwindling. I heard whispers of allies debating on whether their faith in the crown was misplaced. We needed to act soon or we were going to lose the small edge we gained. 

The strategy was almost set in stone. Thanks to my inside information on the layout of the Academy, we knew how we would sneak in and where we would attack first. The guards had tunnels that they upkeep for their own selfish uses with the servile. It was supposed to be against the rules to use the servants for the handler's own personal reasons and not strictly for "teaching." They were never enforced, so long as the handler kept it under wraps. 

A shiver escaped my body at the thought of the tunnels but they would work to our advantage if we could time it right. Now we were waiting on the intel for the Academy schedule, which nights had the least amount of guards working, when they would be rounding and where. For now, Commander Cole was stuck fine tuning the invasion until our spies could get back to us with the prince hardly ever leaving the briefing room other than to help me train when I asked. 

That's where I found myself now, sweat seeping into my clothes and clinging tightly to my body. Jaxon was unable to join me. Instead I enlisted the help of Azalynn and Jordan, hoping that with their ability to act as one entity while fighting, they would provide enough of a challenge to keep me alert. My whispers managed to keep tabs on them both while they attacked, even from different angles. Being the one that trained them, it was easier than I wanted it to be. Azalynn was flung into her brother with a startled "oof." 

They clamored to their feet, ready to try again. I took a second to let my pride show at their determination. "You've come so far." 

Azalynn rolled her eyes at me and Jordan scoffed, both clearly upset that they couldn't get a pin on me. Training with the prince had really set me above almost everyone on the guard. Azalynn started her predatory stalk toward me and I crouched into a defensive stance, about to start the next round when we were interrupted. 

"We received word from the spies." Annie said from the doorway, her eyes not connecting with mine fully. Both her and Harley have been reserved since the king's death, for some reason they were taking it out on me the most. Not that I could really blame them deep down. I hated myself if I stopped long enough to think about that night. Annie continued her message. "Commander Cole wants everyone on the guard to come as soon as possible." 

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