chapted 8

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Skip to a few month later

Today, something unexpected happend to tenjiku gang when a member come to izana and other and said that there an gang want to fight with them. "Which gang?" ask kakuchui . " Toman" said that member. When heard that, mikey eye be wide. Other look at he, ran said " are you okay, mikey?"

Mikey: yes, i fine but shocked that my ex gang still stand until now even they had lose so many member.
Ran: but how you know they had lose many member ?
Mikey: actually after i leave toman, i have two person that i trust to tell me what happend to toman after draken take over my position. From i know, toman had been weak.
Sanzu: what you mean by that ?
Mikey: A few month ago, toman had fight with a gang and apperenly some of the toman are traitor and went to other gang. Then made total of toman unbalanced and from that, toman had been weak.
Izana: who are those person that tell you all this information ?
Mikey: they are know as kawara twin.
Takemichi: you Mean smiley and angry ?
Mikey : yes, they. They were some of people that know my lifesyle beside you all. So when they want to fight ?
Kakuchui: 3 day from now.

Suddenly, an text from mikey phone. It from shinniro that want mikey to come to his workshop. After read that text, mikey excuse himself and walk out from tenjiku place and went to his brother workshop. After 40 minutes, he arrived to shin worksho. " hello, mikey" said an man." hello, wakasa. Where shin kun?" said mikey. " oh, he at the back " said wakasa. " oh, tq" said mikey then went to find his brother.

When he went to back, he saw shinniro was sit on an couch with emma ." so, why you called me here?" ask mikey. " mikey, is that true that you had quit from toman?" ask shinniro. Mikey was shocked that know shinniro know about that and then look at emma. " yes, but how do you know about that? Do emma tell you?" said mikey. " no, emma did not tell me but i know since you went back from that night i carry back home" said shinniro. Mikey look down when heart that. " why you dont tell that me that you had been betrayed by your friend ?" said shinniro." i just want not burden you with my problem " said mikey.

" that why i never saw you hang out with baji or other again. But all time, where you have been . you always went out early and come late." said shinniro. Mikey explaned everthing about he run and bussines and how he join izana group expect the part he was ex hitman. " so, you tell me that company that always help small shop is your company ?" said shinniro. " yes, that my company " said mikey.

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